

何时姊妹再相逢 When shall we three meet again? 雷电轰轰雨蒙蒙

  In thunder, lightning, or in rain? 且等烽烟静四陲 When the hurly-burly"s done. 败军高奏凯歌♥回 When the battle"s lost and won. 何处相逢

  Where the place? 在荒原

 共同去见麦克白 Upon the battlefield, there to meet with Macbeth. 美即丑恶丑即美 Fair is foul, and foul is fair. 翱翔毒雾妖云里 Hover through the fog and filthy air. 内战在苏格兰肆虐 叛国♥贼♥麦克唐华德带领雇佣军

 攻打邓肯国王 只有少数人

 还坚持着对王权的忠诚 葛莱密斯的领主麦克白

 带领着一支疲敝的军队 国王也将最后的预备军派给了他 此战将于埃隆一决胜负 双方还在胜负未决之中 Doubtful it stood, 正像两个精疲力竭的游泳者 as two spent swimmers that do cling together 彼此扭成一团

 显不出他们的本领来 and choke their art. 那残暴的麦克唐华德 The merciless Macdonwald from the Western Isles 已经征调了西方各岛上的轻重步兵 of kerns and gallowglasses is supplied. 命运也像娼妓一样 And fortune, on his damned quarrel smiling, 有意向叛徒卖♥♥弄风情 showed like a rebel"s whore. 可是这一切都无能为力

 因为英勇的麦克白 But all"s too weak, for brave Macbeth - 真称得上一声"英勇" well he deserves that name - 不以命运的喜怒为意 disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel 挥舞着他的血腥的宝剑 which smoked with bloody execution, 像个煞星似的一路砍杀过去 like valour"s minion 直到了那奴才的面前 carved out his passage till he faced the slave 也不打招呼 which ne"er shook hands 也不道别 nor bade farewell to him 就挺剑从他的肚脐刺入


 直至下巴 till he unseamed him from the nave to the chops 他的头已经割下来挂在我们的城楼上了 and fixed his head upon our battlements. 胜利终于属我们所有 And, to conclude, victory fell on us. 英勇的麦克白

  Valiant Macbeth. 尊贵的壮士

  Worthy gentleman. 莫大的荣幸

  Great happiness. 尊贵的王子


  Whence cam"st thou, noble Prince? 从法夫郡来

 陛下 From Fife, great King, 挪威的旌旗在天空招展

  where Norwegian banners flout the sky

 把一阵寒风搧进了我们人♥民♥的心里 and fan our people cold, 靠着那个最奸恶的叛徒 assisted by that most disloyal traitor, 考特爵士的帮助 the Thane of Cawdor. 上帝保佑吾王

  God save the King! 考特爵士再也不能骗取我的信任了 No more that Thane of Cawdor shall deceive our bosom interest. 去宣布把他立即处死 Go pronounce his present death 他原来的爵位移赠麦克白 and with his former title greet Macbeth. 我就去执行陛下的旨意 I"ll see it done. 他所失去的

 也就是尊贵的麦克白所得到的 What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won. 我从来没有见过这样阴郁而又光明的日子 So foul and fair a day I have not seen. 这些是什么人

  What are these? 你们是活人吗


  Live you or are you aught that man may question? 要是能够讲话


  Speak, if you can. What are you? 万福




  Macbeth. Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis. 万福




  Macbeth. Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor. 万福



  All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter. 将军 Good sir, 您为什么这样吃惊


  why do you start and seem to fear things that do sound so fair? 你们向我高贵的同伴致敬 My noble partner you greet with present grace 并且预言他未来的尊荣和远大的希望 and great prediction of noble having and of royal hope 使他仿佛听得出了神 that he seems rapt withal. 可是你们却没有和我说话 To me you speak not. 祝福


 但比他伟大 Hail, lesser than Macbeth and greater. 没有麦克白幸运

 但比他幸福 Not so happy yet much happier. 你虽不是君王

 但你的子孙将是 Thou shalt get kings though thou be none. 万福


  So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo. 班柯和麦克白


  Banquo and Macbeth, all hail. 且慢


 讲明白些 Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more. 你们这种奇怪的消息是从哪里来的

  Say from whence you owe this strange intelligence 为什么

 要在这荒凉的旷野 and why, upon this blasted heath, 用这种预言式的招呼阻止我们

  you stop our way with such prophetic greeting. 说

 我命令你们 Speak, I charge you. 水上有泡沫


 这些便是大地上的泡沫 The earth hath bubbles as the water has, and these are of them. 她们消失到什么地方去了

  Whither are they vanished? 消失在空气之中 Into the air, 好像是有形体的东西

 却像呼吸一样融化在风里了 and what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind. 我倒希望她们再多留一会儿 Would they had stayed. 我们正在谈论的这些怪物


  Were such things here as we do speak about? 还是因为我们误食了令人疯狂的草根

  Or have we eaten on the insane root

 已经丧失了理智 that takes the reason prisoner? 您的子孙将要成为君王 Your children shall be kings. 您自己将要成为君王 You shall be king. 而且还要做考特爵士


  And Thane of Cawdor too. Went it not so? 正是这样说的 To the selfsame tune and words. 麦克白

 王上很高兴收到你胜利的消息 The King hath happily received, Macbeth, the news of thy success. 报信的人像密雹一样接踵而至 As thick as hail came post from post 每个人都来到他的面前 and every one did bear thy praises, in his kingdom"s great defence, 异口同声地称颂你保卫祖国的丰功 and poured them down before him. 我们奉王上的命令前来

 向你传达他诚挚的谢意 And we are sent to give thee from our royal master thanks. 为了向你保证他将给你更大的尊荣起见 And, for an earnest of a greater honour, 他叫我替你加上考特爵士的称号♥ he bade me from him call thee Thane of Cawdor. 考特爵士现在还活着 The Thane of Cawdor lives. 为什么你们要替我穿上借来的衣服

  Why do you dress me in borrowed robes? 他已承认叛国重罪


 从而地位不保 Treasons capital, confessed and proved, have overthrown him. 您不希望您的子孙将来做君王吗

  Do you not hope your children shall be kings 如果她们给了我考特爵士的头衔 when those that gave the Thane of Cawdor to me 同时也就允诺给你的子孙莫大的尊荣 promised no less to them? 您要是果然完全相信了她们的话 That trusted home might yet enkindle you unto the crown 也许做了考特爵士以后

 还会想把王冠攫到手里 besides the Thane of Cawdor. 可是这种事情很奇怪 But it"s strange, 魔鬼为了要陷害我们 and oftentimes, to win us to our harm, 往往故意向我们说真话 the instruments of darkness tell us truths, 在小事情上取得我们的信任 win us with honest trifles 然后在重要的关头

 我们便会堕入他的圈套 to betrays "m deepest consequence. 这种神奇的启示不会是凶兆 This supernatural soliciting cannot be ill, 可是也不像是吉兆 cannot be good. 假如它是凶兆

 为什么用一开头就应验的预言 If ill, why hath it given me earnest of success, 来保证我的成功呢

  commencing in a truth? 我现在不是已经做了考特爵士了吗

  I am Thane of Cawdor. 假如它是吉兆

 为什么那句话会在我脑中引起可怖的印象 If good, why do I yield to that suggestion 使我毛发悚然 whose horrid image doth unfix my hair 使我的心卜卜跳个不停 and make my seated heart knock at my ribs 全然失去常态 against the use of nature? 想像的恐怖远过于现实的恐怖 Present fears are less than horrible imaginings. 要是命运将会使我成为君王 If chance will have me king, 那么也许命运会替我加上王冠

 用不着我自己费力 why, chance may crown me without my stir. 万福

 麦克白 Hail, Macbeth. 啊


  O worthiest cousin. 再多的报酬都不能抵偿你伟大的功勋 More is thy due than more than all can pay. 为陛下尽忠效命

 本身就是一种酬劳 The service and the loyalty I owe in doing it pays itself. 再劳驾你

 陪我们去因弗尼斯吧 From hence to Inverness, and bind us further to you. 我来做开路人吧 I"ll be myself the harbinger 把陛下光临的喜讯

 先去告知我妻子 and make joyful the hearing of my wife with your approach, 现在我就此告辞了 so humbly take my leave. 我的尊贵的考特

  My worthy Cawdor. 她们在胜利的那天遇到我 They met me in the day of success 我根据最可靠的说法 and I have learned by the perfect"st report 知道她们具有超越凡俗的知识 they have more in them than mortal knowledge. 当我燃烧着热烈的欲望

 想要向她们详细询问的时候 When I burned in desire to question them further, 她们已经化为一阵风不见了 they made themselves air into which they vanished. 我正在惊奇不置

 王上的使者就来了 Whiles I stood rapt in the wonder of it came missives from the King 他们都称我为 who all-hailed me 考特爵士 Thane of Cawdor, 那个尊号♥正是这些神巫用来称呼我的 by which title before these Weird Sisters saluted me 而且她们还对我作这样的预示

 说是 and referred me to the coming on of time with, 万岁


  Hail, king that shalt be. 来 Come, 注视着人类恶念的魔鬼们 you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, 解除我的女性的柔弱 unsex me here 用最凶恶的残忍♥自顶至踵贯注在我的全身 and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty. 进入我的妇人的胸中

 把我的乳水当作胆汁吧 Come to my woman"s breasts and take my milk for gall, 你们这些杀人者的帮凶 you murthering ministers, 你们无形的躯体四处弥漫

 找寻为非作恶的机会 wherever, in your sightless substances, you wait on nature"s mischief. 来

 阴沉的黑夜 Come, thick night, 用最昏暗的地狱浓烟罩住自己 and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, 不让我的利刃看到切开的伤口 that my keen knife see not the wound it makes, 不让苍天穿透夜色得以窥见 nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark 高喊"住手

 住手" to cry, "Hold, hold!" 赶快回来吧

 让我把精神力量倾注在你的耳中 Hie thee hither that I may pour my spirits in thine ear 让我用舌尖的勇气 and chastise with the valour of my tongue 把阻挡你得到王冠的一切障碍

 驱扫一空吧 all that impedes thee from the golden round. 你的信让我飞越蒙昧的现在 Thy letters have transported me beyond this ignorant present 此时此刻

 我已感受到了未来 and I feel now the future in the instant. 我最亲爱的人 My dearest love, 邓肯今晚要到这儿来 Duncan comes here tonight. 什么时候回去呢

  And when goes hence? 他预备明天回去 Tomorrow, as he purposes. 啊

 太阳永远不会见到那样一个明天 O never shall sun that morrow see! 你本是葛莱密斯爵士

 现在又做了考特爵士 Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, 将来还会达到

 预言所述的高位 and shalt be what thou art promised. 可是我却为你的天性忧虑 Yet I do fear thy nature. 它充满了太多人情的乳臭 It is too full 0" the milk of human kindness 使你不敢采取最近的捷径 to catch the nearest way. 你希望做一个伟大的人物 Thou wouldst be great. 你不是没有野心

 可你缺少与之配伍的邪恶 Art not without ambition but without the illness should attend it. 要欺骗世人

 必须装得和世人一样 To beguile the time, look like the time. 让你的眼睛



 到处都流露出欢迎的神情 Bear welcome in your eye, your hand, your tongue. 别人看你像纯洁的花朵

 谁知底下潜伏着毒蛇 Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under"t. 我们必须准备款待这位即将到来的贵宾 He that"s coming must be provided for 你可以把今晚的大事交给我去办 and you shall put this night"s great business into my dispatch 凭此一举

 我们今后就可以日日夜夜 which shall, to all our nights and clays to come, 永远掌握君临万民的无上权威 give solely sovereign sway and masterdom. 我们还要商量商量 We will speak further. 我们的犬马微劳


 亦不足挂齿 All our service, in every point twice done and then done double. 把你的手给我

 领我去见我的主人 Give me your hand. Conduct me to mine host. 我很敬爱他

 我还要继续眷顾他 We love him highly and shall continue our graces towards him. 请了

 夫人 By your leave, hostess. 我欣喜... My plenteous... 站起来


  Up! Up! 盛大的喜悦

 洋溢在我心头 My plenteous joys, wanton in fulness, 想要在悲哀的泪滴里隐藏它自己 seek to hide themselves in drops of sorrow. 吾儿 Sons, 各位国戚 kinsmen, 各位爵士 thanes, 以及一切最亲近的人 and you whose places are the nearest, 我现在向你们宣布立我的长子

 马尔康为储君 know that we will establish our estate upon our eldest, Malcolm, 册封为肯勃兰亲王 whom we name hereafter the Prince of Cumberland. 肯勃兰亲王 The Prince of Cumberland. 我必须跳过这个石阶

 不然就要倒在它上面 That is a step on which I must fall down, or else o"erleap, 这是一块挡我前途的绊脚石 for in my way it lies. 要是干了就结束了 If it were done when it"s done, 那么还是快一点干 then "tvvere well it were done quickly. 要是凭着暗♥杀♥的手段

 可以攫取美满的结果 If the assassination could trammel up the consequence 又可以排除了一切后患 and catch with his surcease success, 要是这一刀砍下去

  that but this blow might



 解决一切 be the be-all and end-all here. 在这人世上

 仅仅在这此生此世 But here upon this bank and shoal of time 那么来生我也就顾不到了 we"d jump the life to come. 可是在这种事情上

 我们往往逃不过现世的裁判 But in these cases we still have judgment here. 我们树立血的榜样


 结果反而自己被杀 That we but teach bloody instructions which return to plague the inventor. 这就是报应 This even-handed justice commends 把毒药投入酒杯里的人

 结果也会自己饮鸩而死 the ingredience of our poisoned chalice to our own lips. 他到这儿来

 本有两重的信任 He"s here in double trust. 第一


 又是他的臣子 First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, 按照名分绝对不能干这样的事 strong both against the deed. 第二


 应当保障他的安全 Then, as his host, who should against his murderer shut the door, 怎可自己持刀行刺

  not bear the knife myself. 而且

 这个邓肯秉性仁慈 Besides, this Duncan hath borne his faculties so meek, 处理国政从来没有过失

 要是把他杀死了 hath been so clear in his great office, 他生前的美德

 会像天使一般 that his virtues would plead like angels, 发出喇叭一样清澈的声音

 向世人昭告我的弑君重罪 trumpet-tongued against the deep damnation of his taking-off. 我没有什么动力去实施 I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent 可是我跃跃欲试的野心 but only vaulting ambition 却不顾一切地驱着我去冒险 which o"erleaps itself and falls on the other. 我们还是不要实施这件事情吧 We will proceed no further in this business. 难道你沉浸其中的


  Was the hope drunk wherein you dressed yourself? 它现在从一场睡梦中醒来 Hath it slept since? 因为追悔自己的鲁莽 And wakes it now to look so green and pale 而吓得脸色这样苍白吗 at what it did so freely? 从这一刻起 From this time 我要把你的爱情

 看作同样靠不住的东西 such I account thy love. 你不敢在行为和勇气上 Art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valour 跟你的欲望一致吗

  as thou art in desire? 名誉只是生命的装饰品

 难道你宁愿顾全它 Wouldst thou have that which thou esteem"st the ornament of life 而成为一个你自己都承认的懦夫 and live a coward in thy own esteem, 让"我不敢"永远跟随在"我想要"的后面吗

  letting "I dare not" wait upon "I would"? 请你不要说了 Prithee, peace. 只要是男子汉做的事

 我都敢做 I dare do all that may become a man. 没人比我更有胆量 Who dares do more is none. 那么当初

 是什么鬼东西 What beast was"t, then, 让你把这种企图告诉我的呢

  that made you break this enterprise to me? 是男子汉就应当敢作敢为 When you durst do it, then you were a man. 要是你更加敢作敢为 And to be more than what you were, 你就能比男子汉更为伟大 you would be so much more the man. 我曾经哺乳过婴孩 I have given suck 知道一个母亲怎样怜爱吮吸她乳汁的孩子 and know how tender "tis to love the babe that milks me. 可是我会在他看着我的脸微笑的时候 I would, while it was smiling in my face, 从他柔嫩的小嘴里拔出我的乳♥头♥ have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums 把他的脑袋砸碎 and dashed the brains out 只要我也像你一样

 曾经发下毒誓 had I so sworn, as you have done, to this. 假如我们失败了 If we should fail? 我们失败

  We fail. 只要你集中你的全副勇气 But screw your courage to the sticking place 我们决不会失败 and we"ll not fail. 等邓肯睡熟了 When Duncan is asleep 我再去陪他那两个侍卫饮酒作乐

 灌得他们头脑昏沉 his two chamberlains will I with wine and wassail so convince 记忆化成一阵烟雾 that memory, the warder of the brain, shall be a-fume 等他们烂醉如泥 and the receipt of reason a limbeck only. 像死猪一样睡去以后 When in swinish sleep their drenched natures lie as in a death 我们不就可以把失去护卫的邓肯随意摆布了吗

  what cannot you and I perform upon the unguarded Duncan? 我们不是可以把这一件重大的谋杀罪案 What not put upon his spongy officers 推在他酒醉的侍卫身上吗

  who shall bear the guilt of our great quell? 我的决心已定 I am settled 我要用全身的力量

 去干这件惊人的举动 and bend up each corporal agent to this terrible feat. 把我的剑拿着 Take my sword. 把那个也拿着 Take thee that too. 催人入睡的疲倦

 像沉重的铅块一样压在我的身上 A heavy summons lies like lead upon me 可是我却一点也不想睡 and yet I would not sleep. 慈悲的神明 Merciful powers, 抑制那些罪恶的思想

 不要让它们潜入我的睡梦之中 restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature gives way to in repose. 在我面前摇晃着

 它的柄对着我的手的 Is this a dagger which I see before me? 不是一把刀子吗

  The handle toward my hand. 来 Come, 让我抓住你 let me clutch thee. 不祥的幻象 Art thou not, fatal vision, 你只是一件触不可及的东西吗

  sensible to feeling as to sight? 或者你不过是一把想像中的刀子 Or art thou but a dagger of the mind? 从狂热的脑袋里发出来的虚妄臆想

  A false creation, proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain. 你指示着我所要去的方向 Thou marshall"st me the way that I was going 告诉我应当用什么利器 and such an instrument I was to use. 我的眼睛一定是被其他感官蒙蔽了 Mine eyes are made the fools of the other senses. 要不就是拥有了所有感知能力

 我仍能看见你 Or else worth all the rest. I see thee still. 没有这样的事 There"s no such thing. 杀人的恶念使我看见这种异象 It is the bloody business which informs thus to mine eyes. 现在在半个世界上 Now, o"er the one half-world, 一切生命仿佛已经死去 nature seems dead 罪恶的梦景扰乱着平和的睡眠 and wicked dreams abuse the curtained sleep. 作法的女巫在献祭 Witchcraft celebrates 形容枯瘦的杀人犯

 幽灵般行走着 and withered murder moves like a ghost. 我仍能看见你 I see thee yet, 你的模样

 如这把拔出的刀子般分明 in form as palpable as this which now I draw. 我在这儿威胁他时

 他还是鲜活的 Whiles I threat, he lives. 在紧张的行动中间

 言语不过是一口冷气 Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives. 你们血液的源泉 The spring, the head, 已被切断 the fountain of your blood is stopped. 你们的生命之源已被中止 The very source of it is stopped. 这儿躺着邓肯 Here lies Duncan, 他如银的皮肤上镶着一缕缕黄金般的鲜血 his silver skin laced with his golden blood. 那边站着这两个凶手 There the murderers, 身上浸润着他们罪恶的颜色 steeped in the colours of their trade. 要是我在这件变故发生前一小时死去 Had I but died an hour before this chance, 我还可以说是活过一段幸福的时光 I had lived a blessed time. 因为从这一刻起 But from this instant 人生已经失去它的严肃的意义 there"s nothing serious in mortality. 一切都不过是儿戏 All is but toys. 荣名和美德已经死了 Renown and grace is dead. 生命的美酒已经饮尽 The wine of life is drawn 剩下来的只是一些无味的渣滓

 当作酒窖里的珍宝 and the mere lees is left this vault to brag of. 你还活着吗

  Live you? 你能回答我的问题吗

  Or are you aught that man may question? 我已经把事情办好了 I have done the deed. 为什么把这两把刀子带回来

  Why did you bring these daggers from the place? 它们应该放在那边 They must lie there. 这是什么手

  What hands are here? 它们要挖出我的眼睛 They pluck out mine eyes. 大洋里所有的水


  Will all great Neptune"s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? 不 No, 恐怕我这一手的血

 倒要把一碧无垠的海水 this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, 染成一片殷红 making the green one red. 我的两手也跟你的同样颜色了 My hands are of your colour, 可是我的心却羞于像你那样变成惨白 but I shame to wear a heart so white. 一点点的水就可以替我们泯除痕迹 A little water clears us of this deed. 不是很容易的事吗

  How easy is it then. 要想到我所干的事 To know my deed 最好还是忘掉我自己 "tvvere best not know myself. 早安

 麦克德夫 Good Macduff. 早上好

 爵爷 Good morrow, noble sir. 两位

 早上好 Good morrow, both. 爵爷


  Is the King stirring, worthy Thane? -王上

 -还没有 -The King, is he stirring? -Not yet. 他叫我一早就来叫他 He did command me to call timely on him. 我几乎误了时间 I have almost slipped the hour. 我带您去看他 I"ll bring you to him. 那么我就冒昧进去了 I"ll make so bold to call. -王上今天就要走吗


 他早就定了 -Goes the King hence today? -He does; he did appoint so. 昨天晚上刮着很厉害的暴风 The night has been unruly. 我们住的地方

 烟囱都给吹了下来 Where we lay, our temples were blown down 他们还说 and, as they say, 空中有哀哭的声音 lamentings heard in the air, 有人听见奇怪的死亡的惨叫 strange screams of death. 果然是一个可怕的晚上 "Twas a rough night. 混乱已经完成了

 他的杰作 Confusion now hath made his masterpiece. 大逆不道的凶手打开了 Most sacrilegious murder hath broke open 王上的圣殿 the Lord"s anointed temple 把它的生命偷了去了 and stole thence the life of the building. 生命

  The life? 你是说陛下吗

  Mean you His Majesty? 不要向我追问 Bid me not speak. You see. 你们自己去看了再说 Speak yourselves. 醒来


  Awake! Awake! 敲起警钟来

  Ring the alarum bells! 马尔康

  Malcolm! Malcolm! 班柯

  Banquo! 敲起警钟来 Ring the alarum bells. 班柯

  Banquo! 不要贪恋温柔的睡眠 Shake off your downy sleep, man. 那只是死亡的表象

 瞧一瞧死亡的本身吧 Death"s counterfeit. You come and look on death itself. 谋杀

  Murder! 谋反

  Treason! 怎么了

  What"s the business? 我们的主上

 他被谋杀了 Our royal master, he"s murdered. -谋杀


  -Murdered? -Murdered! 是睡在他房♥里的那两个家伙 Those of his chamber, 他们的手上脸上都是血迹 their hands were all badged with blood. 你为什么杀了他们

  Wherefore did you so? 只要是一个尚有几分忠心的人 Who could refrain that had a heart to love 都会怒火中烧

 替他的主子报仇雪恨 and in that heart courage to make love known? 麦克白为了这件事多么痛心 How it does grieve Macbeth. 他不是乘着一时的忠愤 Did he not straight, in pious rage, 把那两个 the two delinquents tear 酗酒的溺职卫士杀了吗

  that were the slaves of drink? 那件事干得不是很忠勇的吗

  Was this not nobly done? 因为要是人家听见他们抵赖

 谁都会怒从心起的 Twould have angered any heart alive to hear the men deny it. 所以我说

 他把一切事情处理得很好 I say he has borne all things well. 知道是谁犯的这残酷异常的罪行

  Is"t known who did this more than bloody deed? 就是那两个给麦克白杀死的家伙 Those that Macbeth hath slain. 唉


  Alas, the day. What good could they pretend? 马尔康


 已经偷偷地逃走了 Malcolm, the King"s son, is stolen away and fled, 这使他也蒙上了嫌疑 which puts upon him suspicion of the deed. 看来王位大概要落到麦克白头上 Tis most like the sovereignty will fall upon Macbeth. 他已经受到推举 He is already named. 你现在已如愿以偿 Thou hast it now. 国王


 葛莱密斯 King, Cawdor, Glamis, 一切符合女巫们的预言 all as the weird women promised. 这种得到富贵的手段

 恐怕不大正当 And I fear thou playedst most foully for"t. 可据说你的王位不能传及子孙 Yet it was said it should not stand in thy posterity. 我自己却要成为许多君王的始祖 But that myself should be the root and father of many kings. 如果她们的话里有真理 If there come truth from them, 既然她们的话已经在你麦克白身上应验 why, by the verities on thee made good, 难道不也会成为对我的启示 may they not be my oracles as well 使我对未来发生希望吗

  and set me up in hope? 可是闭口

  But hush. 不要多说了 No more. 麦克白万岁



  Hail, Macbeth. Hail, Macbeth. Hail, Macbeth. 麦克白万岁

  Hail, Macbeth. Hail, Macbeth. 只做到这一步

 还不算什么 To be thus...is nothing, 还要更加巩固 but to be safely thus! 我对于班柯怀有深切的恐惧 Our fears in Banquo stick deep. 他高贵的天性中 And in his royalty of nature reigns that which would be feared. 有一种使人生畏的东西 "Tis much he dares 他有无畏的精神 and to that dauntless temper of his mind... 而这无畏又被一种睿智所引领

 使他敢做敢为 ...he hath a wisdom that doth guide his valour. 啊



  How now, my Lord? Why do you keep alone? 我们不过刺伤了蛇身

 却没有把它杀死 We have scorched the snake, not killed it. 它会慢慢复元 She"ll close and be herself 再用它原来的毒牙向我们的暴行复仇 whilst our poor malice remains in danger of her former tooth. 无法挽回的事

 只好听其自然 Things without all remedy should be without regard. 事情干了就算了 What"s done is done. 算了算了

 我的好丈夫 Come, gentle my Lord. 把您的烦恼的面孔收起 Sleek o"er your rugged looks. 今天晚上

 您必须和颜悦色地招待客人 Be bright and jovial among your guests tonight. 你知道班柯

 和他的弗里恩斯尚在人间 Thou know"st that Banquo, and his Fleance, lives? 您不要多想这些了 You must leave this. 当那些女巫们 He chid the sisters 最初称我为王的时候

 他呵斥她们 when first they put the name of king upon me 叫她们对他说话 and bade them speak to him. 她们就像先知似的

 说他的子孙将相继为王 Then, prophet-like, they hailed him father to a line of kings. 她们把一顶 Upon my head 没有后嗣的王冠戴在我的头上 they placed a fruitless crown 把一根没有人继承的御杖放在我的手里 and put a barren sceptre in my grip, 然后再从我的手里夺去 thence to be wrenched with an unlineal hand, 我自己的子孙却得不到继承 no son of mine succeeding. 要是果然是这样 If it be so, 那玷污的是我的手

 受益的却是班柯后裔 for Banquo"s issue have I filed my mind. 我为了他们 For them 暗♥杀♥了仁慈的邓肯 the gracious Duncan have I murdered, 为了他们

 良心上背负深深的内疚和不安 put rancours in the vessel of my peace 只是为了使他们 only for them. 可以登上王座 To make them kings, 使班柯的种子登上王座

  the seed of Banquo kings! 是什么事情

  What"s to be done? 你暂时不必知道

 最亲爱的宝贝 Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, 等事成以后

 你再鼓掌称快吧 till thou applaud the deed. 我的头脑里充满着蝎子 Full, full of scorpions, is my mind. 我的话使你惊奇 Thou marvell"st at my words. 可是不要说话 Hold thee still. 以不义开始的事情

 须以罪恶使它巩固 Things bad begun make themselves strong by ill. 来

 使人盲目的黑夜 Come, seeling night. 遮住可怜的白昼的温柔的眼睛 Scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day 用你的无形的毒手 and, with thy bloody and invisible hand, 毁除 cancel 那使我畏惧的重大的绊脚石吧 and tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale. 起来 Get up! 将军

 我们今天晚上要举♥行♥一次隆重的宴会 Tonight we hold a solemn supper, sir, 请你千万出席 and I"ll request your presence. 谨遵陛下命令

 我的忠诚 Let Your Highness command upon me to the which my duties are, 永远接受陛下的使唤 with a most indissoluble tie, forever knit. 今天下午你要骑马去吗

  Ride you this afternoon? 是的

 陛下 Av, my good Lord. 我原本很想请你参加今天的会议

 给我们一些好提议 We should have else desired your good advice in this day"s council, 那我们明天再谈吧 but we"ll take tomorrow. 你要骑到很远的地方吗

  Is"t far you ride? 陛下

 我想尽量把现在到晚餐前的时光消磨在马背上 As far, my Lord, as will fill up the time "twixt this and supper, 我的马总也跑不快的 go not my horse the better. 不要误了我们的宴会 Fail not our feast. 陛下

 我一定不失约 My Lord, I will not. 我听说我那个凶恶的侄子已经到了英格兰 We hear our bloody cousin is bestowed in England, 不承认他那残忍♥的弑父重罪 not confessing his cruel parricide, 却到处向人传播离奇荒谬的谣言 filling his hearers with strange invention. 可是我们明天再谈吧 But of that tomorrow. 请上马吧

 再会 Hie you to horse. 等你晚上回来的时候再会 Adieu, till you return at night. 弗里恩斯也跟着你去吗

  Goes Fleance with you? 是



 我们要出发了 Ay, my good Lord. Our time does call upon"s. 再见 Farewell. 要不了一个小时 Within this hour, at most, 我就可以告诉你们

 什么地方有埋伏 I will advise you where to plant yourselves, 等看准机会

 再通知你们在什么时间动手 acquaint you with the perfect spy of the time the moment on it, 这件事情一定要在今晚干好

 而且要远离王宫 for it must be done tonight, and something from the palace. 你们必须记住

 不能把我牵涉进去 Always thought that I require a clearness. 同时 And with him, 为了避免留下枝节 to leave no rubs nor botches in the work, 你们还要把他身边的


 也一起杀了 Fleance, his son that keeps him company, 他们父子两人的死

 对我同样重要 whose absence is no less material to me than is his father"s, 必须让他们同时接受黑暗的命运 must embrace the fate of that dark hour. 快逃

  Fly! 逃



  Fly, Fleance! Fly! 麦克白万岁



  Hail, Macbeth! Hail, Macbeth! Hail, Macbeth! 大家各就各位 You know your own degrees. 请就坐


 竭诚欢迎你们 Sit down. At first and last, the hearty welcome. 我们的主妇现在还坐在她的宝座上 Our hostess keeps her state 可是我就要请她对你们殷勤招待 but in best time we will require her welcome. 陛下

 请您替我向我们所有的朋友们 Pronounce it for me, sir, to all our friends, 表示我的欢迎的诚意吧 for my heart speaks they are welcome. 陛下... Your Majesty. 大家不要拘束

 乐一个畅快 Be large in mirth, anon, 等会儿我们就要围桌痛饮一番 we"ll drink a measure the table round. 你的脸上有血 There"s blood upon thy face. 那就是班柯的 "Tis Banquds then. 他被结果了吗

  Is he dispatched? 陛下

 他的咽喉已经割破了 My Lord, his throat is cut. 谁杀了弗里恩斯

 也一样值得夸奖 He"s good that did the like for Fleance. 要是你把他也杀了

 就是一个无比的好汉 If thou didst it, thou art the nonpareil. 陛下

 弗里恩斯逃走了 Most royal sir, Fleance is soaped. 我的心病本来可以痊愈 Then comes my fit again. 现在它又要发作了 I had else been perfect, 我本来可以像大理石一样完整

 像岩石一样坚固 whole as the marble, founded as the rock, 像空气一样广大自♥由♥ as broad and general as the casing air. 现在我却被恼人的疑惑和恐惧 But now I am cabined, cribbed, confined, 所包围拘束 bound in to saucy doubts and fears. 陛下

 您还没有劝过客 My royal Lord, you do not give the cheer. 谢天谢地 Thanks for that. 亲爱的


  Sweet remembrancer! 来

 请放量醉饱吧 Now, good digestion wait on appetite 愿各位胃纳健旺


  and health on both. 要是班柯在座 Here had we now our country"s honour roofed, 那我们全国的精英就济济一堂了 were the graced person of our Banquo present, 我宁愿嗔怪他的疏忽 who may I rather challenge for unkindness 也不愿为他的意外而惋惜 than pity for mischance. 陛下


 是他自己的过失 His absence, sir, lays blame upon his promise. 什么事情使陛下这样变色

  What is"t that moves Your Highness? -是你们谁干的



  -Which of you have done this? -What, my good Lord? 你不能说这是我♥干♥的 Thou canst not say that I did it. 陛下病了 His Highness is not well. 坐下

 尊贵的朋友们 Sit, worthy friends. 请各位安坐吧 Pray you, keep seat. 他的癫狂不过是暂时的 The fit is momentary. 一会儿就好 Upon a thought he will again be well. 要是你们太注意他

 他也许会动怒 If much you note him, you shall offend him 发起狂来更加厉害 and extend his passion. 尽管自己吃喝

 不要理他吧 Feed and regard him not. 你是一个男子吗

  Are you a man? 我是无畏的男人

 魔鬼害怕的我也敢面对 Ay, and a bold one that dare look on that which might appal the devil. 啊


  O proper stuff! 你瞧那边

  Prithee, see there. 瞧

  Behold. 瞧



  Look, lo! How say you? 这不过是你的恐惧

 绘出的幻象 This is the very painting of your fear. 如同你所说的

 引导你去行刺邓肯的空中匕♥首♥ This is the air-drawn dagger which you said led you to Duncan. 你为何这种表情

  Why do you make such faces? 我现在是站在这儿吧

 那我刚才真看见他了 If I stand here, I saw him. 陛下


 不能没有您在场 My worthy Lord, your noble friends do lack you. 在没有法律保障的古代

 杀人流血很常见 Blood hath been shed ere now, in the olden time. 那时

 人头一落地 The time has been that, when the brains were out, 人就死了 the man would die 一切就结束了 and there an end. 可现在他们却会再站起来

 把我们推下宝座 But now they rise again and push us from our stools. 这真比那件谋杀案更为离奇 This is more strange than such a murder is. 我忘了 I do forget. 来 Come. 我敬大家一杯


  Love and health to all. 我等誓死效忠 Our duties and the pledge. 滚


  Avaunt and quit my sight. 让黄土把你埋了吧

  Let the earth hide thee. 你的骨髓已经枯竭

 你的血液已经凝冷 Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold. 你圆睁的双眼已经失去光彩 Thou hast no speculation in those eyes, which thou dost glare with. 各位大人 Think of this, good peers... 这不过是旧病复发 but as a thing of custom. 没有什么别的缘故 "Tis no other. 请你们安坐吧 I pray you, sit still. 我吓得脸色发白 You make me strange, 可你们看到这情景 even to the disposition that I owe 却依然脸色红润 when now I think you can behold such sights 这真是奇怪

  and keep the natural ruby of your cheeks when mine is blanched with fear. 他越来越疯了


 他会动怒的 He grows worse and worse. Question enrages him. 大家不必讲究次序

 请立刻散了吧 Stand not upon the order of your going but go at once. 晚安


  Good night, and better health attend His Majesty. 各位晚安

  A kind good-night to all. 流血是免不了的 It will have blood. 他们说

 流血必须引起流血 They say blood will have blood. 夜过去了多少了

  What is the night? 差不多到了昼夜相交之时

 说不清是夜还是昼 Almost at odds with morning, which is which. 麦克德夫藐视王命 How say"st thou that Macduff denies his person 拒不奉召


  at our great bidding? 一切生命都少不了睡眠的调剂 You lack the season of all natures. 睡吧 Sleep. 我要去造访那三个女巫 I will to the Weird Sisters. 听她们还有什么话说 More shall they speak. 因为现在我必须弄明白

 事情最糟会糟到什么地步 For now I am bent to know by the worst means ...

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