



 司 前情回顾 创



 司 第三季

 第十集 本季终 我会尽力挽回萨吉诺 I"ll do what I can with Saginaw. 你要告诉我

 这家公♥司♥的一切 You need to tell me everything you know about the shop, 谁有不满 and who"s unhappy. 最近我听说了很多你们行业里 I"ve been hearing a lot of awful stories 很可怕的故事 coming out of that world lately. 你根本不懂 You have no idea. 她真名叫简·米尔斯 Her real name"s Jane Mills. 她被中情局的某秘密行动部门招募 She got recruited by some black ops division of the CIA. 你一旦惹到这个女人 If you cross this woman, 她就会毫不犹豫地除掉你 she won"t hesitate. 你觉得她在隐藏踪迹 You said you think she was trying to cover her tracks. 出现了一个病毒在整个网络上传播 There"s a virus that"s just ripping through the entire network right now. 本来运行得非常顺畅 It was doing great. 但伊兹插手了

 我很抱歉 But Izzy, she stepped in. Look, I"m sorry. 抱歉 I"m sorry. 我们无法再信任你了 We can"t trust you anymore. 你本该支持我的 You supposed to have my back. 他威胁要杀了我 He threatened to kill me, 所以别把他当成受害者 so let"s not act like he"s the victim. 他是你的朋友 He"s your friend. 不

 我没朋友 No, I don"t have any friends. 只有你和阿♥拉♥克网 I have you, I have ArakNet. 那你现在只有阿♥拉♥克网了 Well, now, you just have ArakNet. 我们得给他们点什么

 兄弟 We gotta give "em something in return, bro. 我的兄弟吗 My boys? 伊兹

 你看新闻了吗 Izzy, you see the news? 如果您刚开始收看 Again, if you"re just joining us, 现在有某种化学武器 there has been some sort of chemical weapon 刚刚在洛杉矶市中心 that has been detonated in the heart of downtown Los Angeles, 潘兴广场附近被引爆 right near Pershing Square. 他做得很好 He did fine. 如果伊莎贝尔没有良心发现的话 If Isabelle hadn"t grown a conscience, 我们现在就摆脱嫌疑了 we"d all be in the clear by now. 据我所知


 不过 She doesn"t have any proof, as far as I know. But... 她肯定妥协了 she is definitely compromised. 我明白 I understand. 到那时她就会被处理了 She"ll be dealt with then. 完事之后我会告诉你 I"ll let you know when it"s done. 洛杉矶遭到化学武器袭击 不论是总统

 还是 Neither the president, nor any spokespeople 情报界的发言人 from the intelligence community, 都没有给出任何正式声明 have given any official statement... 还是睡不着吗 Still can"t sleep? 你确定你不想去床上吗 You sure you don"t wanna swap? 不用

 我喜欢在沙发上 Yeah, no, I like being on the couch. 让我想起了生病的时候 Reminds me of being sick. 如果你愿意去的话 Well, I made the bed, if... 我铺好床了 if you want to. 有毒气体现已确认为维克斯神经毒气 ...toxic fumes, which is now being confirmed as VX gas... 这样很蠢

 我不会找借口 This is stupid, okay? I"m not gonna make any excuses. 我说过

 做过一些不光彩的事情 I"ve said things and I"ve done things that I am not proud of. 我之前目光短浅 I"ve had tunnel vision. 我丢掉了重要的东西

 但是 And I"ve lost sight of what is important, but... 我的生活中不能没有你 I don"t want to do this without you. 不能失去你

 我爱你 Without what we are. I love you. 我知道我们说得不够多 And I know we don"t say it enough. 我知道我说得不够多 And I know I don"t talk about it enough. 但是在去年 But, I mean, for the last year, 我还在憧憬 I"ve just pictured that 这就是我的生活

 我和你永远在一起 this is gonna be my life, forever, you and me. 我以为我们会结婚生子 I thought we would get married and have children. 我不知道怎么会变成这样 I don"t know how it go to be like this 你睡在沙发上 with you sleeping on the couch, 在找其他住所

 但是这样不好 and looking for other places, but it"s not okay. 我爱你

 我为你痴狂 I love you, I"m crazy about you. 我的生活中不能没有你 I don"t want to be without you. 是因为罗纳德明天就要回公♥司&arts;了吗 Is this because Ronald"s coming back to the office tomorrow? 因为你担心 Because you"re worried 我父亲会要求投票 that my dad is gonna have that vote, and... 而你需要我站在你那边 and you need me on your side. 你就是这么想我的吗 Is that really what you think of me? 我只是在问问题 I"m just asking a question. 好吧 Okay. 我要去洗个澡 I"m gonna take a shower, 然后早点去公♥司♥处理点事情 and go in early to take care of some stuff, but... 想想我说的

 因为我是真心的 think about what I said, "cause I really meant it. 我会的 I will. 现在是这样的 Here"s the thing, we gotta look 萨吉诺投资公♥司♥ 我们得找一条比物联网更长远的路 further down the road than I.O.T., 但这是什么意思

 有想法吗 but what does that mean? Any ideas? 还有

 我们错过了增强现实的投资机会 Also, I feel like we missed the boat on some A.R. opportunities, 这种事我不想再次发生 I do not want that to happen again. -塔克

 -什么事 - Uh, hey, Tuck? - What? 也许会议该结束了 Uh, yeah, maybe we should end the meeting. 你在说什么 What"re you talking about? 我们应该暂停一下会议 Let"s, uh... we should end the meeting for a little bit. 你到底在说什么 The hell you talkin" about? 伙计们


 好吗 Uh, hey, guys. Let"s take a quick break, "kay? 我们一会儿

 午饭后再开会 Maybe we"ll come back, um, reconvene after lunch? -我们能压住消息吗

 -是《先驱报》 - Can we squash it? - It"s The Herald. 好吧


 对吗 Okay, yeah but it"s not live yet, right? -对吗

 -是《先驱报》 - Right? -It"s The Herald! 你压不住消息

 我们得站出来澄清 You can"t squash it, we gotta come out in front of this thing. -怎么澄清


 我不知道 - How? - How? I don"t know... 你能不能管好你自己

 你个白♥痴♥ you couldn"t keep your dick in your pants, you idiot! -我自己吗

 -对啊 - My dick? - Yeah. 你把这事怪在我头上吗 You"re blaming this on my dick? 没错

 你的名字到处都是 Yeah, your name is all over this thing. 你调戏秘书

 给她们提供毒品 You"re groping assistants? You"re offering them drugs?! You... 在我开始干这事之前 You"ve been pullin" that shit -你就在做那事了

 -胡说 - before I ever even started pullin" that shit. - Bullshit, bro. -胡说

 -不 - Bullshit. - No! 不是胡说

 你知道什么是胡说吗 It"s not bullshit, you know what"s bullshit? 就是没人谴责你 Is that no one ever comes down on you 因为你有五个天使般的孩子 because you have five angelic children, 和漂亮的皮囊

 你个人♥渣♥ and beautiful skin, you piece of shit! 抱歉

 我们得团结起来 I"m sorry, man, we gotta stick together. 我们得一起处理这事 We gotta work on this together. -你个白♥痴♥

 -你不是没用的家伙 - Such an idiot. - You"re not a piece of shit. 你能在十分钟内把你的组员集中一下吗 Hey, can you gather your team around the bullpen in 10? -没问题

 -谢谢 - Yeah, okay. - Thanks. 大家好 Uh, hey everyone. 打断各位一下 Can I have your attention real fast? Just, uh... 只是想说几句话 just wanted to say a few words 然后就让你们继续忙 and then I"ll let you get back to it. 最近是

 非常奇怪的几天 So, it"s been a-a... a weird couple... 我们中了灾难性的病毒 ...couple days. We had the virus that almost wiped us out. 还有一点是 And um... on a lesser note, 最近有很多内部斗争 there"s been a fair amount of fighting internally. 我确定你们中很多人都发现了 I"m sure some of you... most of you have probably noticed. 并且 And, um... 我甚至不确定我下周还在不在 I don"t even know if I"ll be here next week. Uh, but... 但是潘兴广场的灾难发生了 then something like Pershing Square happens, and, um, 这确实能让人看清现实 you know, it really puts things in perspective. 我们在这里试图建立 I mean, we"re here. We"re trying to build 一个更稳定的未来 a more stable future, more... 一个美好的未来 more just future. And... 我们所创造的 what we"ve created... 你们知道的 uh, it... you know, it 有时感觉像是一个产品 might feel like a product sometimes because... 因为我们有工资拿 y"know, we"re takin" home paychecks, 而且我们整天坐在办公桌前 and we"re at our desks all day, but... 我的意思是

 你们知道 I mean, you know, you know, 你们不知道也不会坐在这儿 you wouldn"t be here if you didn"t know... 但我们所创造的不止这些 it"s more than that. 这不只是个产品 It"s about more than that, it"s, um... 这比我们想象的要大 it"s bigger than us, and... 总之

 继续加油干 anyway, just keep up the good work. Okay... 所以我们就是杀人凶手了对吗

 就这样了吗 So, we"re basically murderers, right? I mean, that"s it? 我要是告诉你在这场混乱中 Well, what if I told you that through all this mess, 我们损失了一半的用户 losing half our users and being quietly responsible 并且对 1400 名无辜民众的死负责 for the deaths of 1,400 innocent people, 但还有大型的投资商 that there"s still a major financier 想给我们 B 轮投资 who"s interested in granting us our next round. 几小时前

 萨吉诺公♥司♥被爆出存在 Big story on the boy"s club culture at Saginaw 很严重的调戏女性员工行为 just broke a couple hours ago... 官司就要打上门了 the lawsuits are coming, 客户们分成两派 and the clients are dropping left and right. 他们需要新成员 They need fresh blood. 塔克终于给我回电♥话♥了 Tucker finally called me back 明天他想一起开个会 and he wants to meet tomorrow. 这场曝光

 是你... That story... was that something that... 是你安排的吗 did you? 天呐


 谢谢 Holy shit! Oh, my God, thank you! 抱歉

 我不... I"m-I"m sorry. I don"t... 我为你骄傲

 我很骄傲 I"m just proud of you. I"m just proud, uh... -明天吗

 -明天 - Tomorrow? - Tomorrow. -你父亲知道吗

 -不知道 - Um, what... does your dad know? - Uh, no. 就像我说的

 他们需要新成员 No, like I said, they need fresh blood. 好吧

 我... Okay, I, uh, -我应该开始写新的演讲稿

 -好 - I should get on writing a new pitch. - Okay. 好

 好好 Okay, um... okay, okay. 这不仅是一个应用

 不仅是一个网站 "It"s more than an app, it"s more than a network..." 这不仅是一个应用

 不仅是一个网站 "It"s more than an app, it"s more than a network, 不仅只是一家科技公♥司♥ it"s more than a tech company. 你知道你在投资什么吗

 不对 You know what you"re investing in?" Nope. 你投资的是地球的未来 "What you"re investing in is the future of... planet Earth." 不能这样说 Don"t do that. 在接下来的十年里大家会谈论它 "People are gonna talk about this in 10 years. 二十年里

 你的孩子会在学校里学到它 "In 20 years, your kids are gonna learn about it in school. 就像我们现在教孩子一样 "...the same way we tell our kids now... 在接下来的二十年里 20 years... 二十年里

 它会... in 20 years, it"s gonna be..." 别着急

 小白脸 Take your time, South Beach. 我等着呢 I"ll wait. 来

 我扶着你 Okay, come here, I got you. 别打了 Stop. 你没大事 You good. 我打完了 I"m finished. 你可以再报♥警♥抓我 You welcome to call the unis on me again. 我这次供不出来人了 I got nobody else left to roll on, 他们这次终于能合法地拘捕我了 so they prolly put me away, legit this time. 但是如果阿♥拉♥克网没我的份 But, if ArakNet off the table for me, 我不如告诉大家碎蛋的事 I might as well tell everybody about Broken Egg. 你这把戏挺精明的 That was some clever-ass shit you pulled. 你干的时候要是告诉我 I wish you woulda told me when you did, 我还能觉得你厉害 I"da given you mad props. 一百万个账户被黑了 One million accounts hacked. 这就像

 一百万条重罪 Damn, that"s, like, one million felonies right there. 这就是你所说的

 "同归于尽" This what you call "Mutually assured destruction." 是不是这样 Ain"t that some shit? 割草机坏了吗 Problems with the lawnmower, bruh? 怎么样啊老兄 What dey do, fam? 你怎么样啊

 兄弟 Oh, what dey do? What dey do? -孩子怎么样

 -不听话 - How the kids, bro? - They ain"t straight, 但是他们挺好的 but they good, they good. 你这院子收拾得挺好啊

 我喜欢 I swear you got this yard lookin" right. I like that. -只是试着改变

 -我明白 - You know, trying, bro. - I hear that, 我懂你

 兄弟 dog, I hear that. I hear that. 帮我给坦和埃尔丝带个好 Look here, man. Tell Tam and Elsie I say "What"s up?" 与此同时

 洛杉矶医院依旧充满了 Meanwhile, Los Angeles hospitals are still overflowing 被毒气影响的患者 with those stricken ill by the toxic gas. 尽管距第一次爆♥炸♥已经好几天了 Thousands of people still suffering symptoms 成千上万的病人仍承受着毒气带来的病痛 relating to the exposure even days after the initial blast. 症状包括呼吸困难 Symptoms include difficulty breathing, 皮肤灼伤感

 甚至痉挛 burns on the skin, even seizures... 不止洛杉矶的人如此 ...not only for the people of Los Angeles, 全国也是一样 but for our entire nation. 我的天 Oh, my God. -怎么了

 -我的朋友罗纳德来了一趟 - What happened? - My friend, Ronald, came by. 尼克

 我们约好了萨吉诺的人 Nick, we have Saginaw in a couple hours. -你不能这样子过去

 -没事 - And you can"t go looking like that. - It"s okay. 罗纳德总是这样去开会 Ronald goes to meetings like this all the time. 说真的


 不能这样去 Seriously, Nick, there"s just no way. 我们说服他们就行了

 他们会理解的 We"ll just have to push, okay? They"ll understand. 这笔投资我们双方都需要 They need this as much as we do. 你这样我们说服不了 No, we can"t push. 我是首席执行官

 你不能不带我 You can"t go without me, I"m CEO, so. 我们有两个首席执行官 We have two CEOs. 你认真的吗 Are you serious? 罗纳德 Ronald?! 你要和那个疯子一起去 You"re gonna go with this fucking maniac?! -我没得选

 -绝对不行 - I don"t have a choice. - No! No! 这个决定必须要经我同意 I... no, you can"t make that decision without me, 我不同意 I forbid it. -我不同意


 难看死了 - I forbid it! - Keep icing your face. You look like shit. 我要出席会议 I"m going to that meeting. 你要是想让生意黄了就去吧 Okay, you can come if you want to blow it. 快吃


 我们马上就出发了 Eat a little faster, baby, "cause we gotta go soon. 祝我好运吧 Wish me luck. 什么好运 For what? 说就是了 Just wish me luck! 祝你好运 Good luck. 你还要再过一遍吗

 背出来听听 You wanna run it a couple times? Just, hear it out loud. 不用了

 这个稿子不适合我 Nah, I don"t work like that. 我得发自内心 Shit"s gotta come from the heart. 好吧 Okay, right... 你不信我吗 What, you don"t trust me? 没有

 我当然相信你 What? No, of course I do. -我相信

 -那就好 - I do. - Okay then. 说出来还挺有意思 You know what I think is funny? 几天前你还在坐牢 Couple days ago, you were in jail. 而现在你要给我们争取 B 轮融♥资♥ And now, you"re pitching to secure a massive Series B. 这就是美国啊 America, right? 这就是美国 Fuckin" America. 你没事吧 You all right? 搜索

 萨吉诺投资公♥司♥ 好了


 他们来了 All right, look sharp, here we go. 您好


 一路上还顺利吧 Oh shit. Hi, hi, hi. How you doin"? -幸会

 -幸会 - Nice to see you. - Nice to see you. -您好


 -幸会 - How you doin", man? Have a seat. - Good to see you. -感谢您能过来

 -麦克去哪了 - Great, thanks for comin". - Where"s, uh, where"s Mike? -您是说尼克吗

 -就是他 - Nick? - That"s right, yes. 尼克呢

 他在哪 Where"s Nick? Where"s that guy? 尼克


 记住了 Nick, uh, Nick, Nick, Nick. 我揍了他一顿

 他来不成了 I had to whoop his ass. He ain"t gonna make it. 我们有一点分歧 We had a little disagreement. 他嘴唇被我打破了

 眼睛也肿了 Lip busted up, eye swole shut. 他现在的形象不宜见人 He ain"t really presentable right now. -真是

 -不错的开场白 - It"s, uh... - Nice, nice open. 尼克和我心意相通 You know, Nick and I, we share a brain, 所以基本上就是他在这里

 区别是 so it"s basically like having his ass here, except... 我更加黢黑


 英俊 except blacker, smarter, cuter. 你说对了

 开场白挺好 You"re right. That"s a good opener. 你真幽默

 我喜欢这个人 You crazy, man. I like this guy. -感谢您这么快就能安排会面

 -当然 - Thanks for making this happen so quickly. - Absolutely. 我们已经为此兴奋很久了 Yeah, no, we"ve been psyched about this for a while. 我们只是有些

 时代问题 We just, uh... had a couple of timing issues, ya know? -当然


 对吧 - Of course. - It"s all about timing, right? 没错 Amen, brother. 那么 Okay. So... 您打算说点什么 what"ve you got? 在座的每一位 Now, each and every one of you at this table, 毫无疑问 y"all are looking for an image change, 你们都想改变形象 ain"t no frontin" about that. 但是形象是转瞬即逝的

 对吗 But image is fleeting, ain"t that right? 你知道和萨吉诺的会议吗 You know about this Saginaw meeting? -知道

 -知道还不告诉我 - Yeah. - You weren"t gonna tell me about it? 他们两个已经去开会了 These two clowns are over there right now. 他们回来了 They"re right there. 看看你们两个 Well, will you look at you two. 糊弄过去了吗 What, you bullshit your way through this one? 没有

 我非常坦诚 Nah, I was straight with "em. 和盘托出了 Cards on the table. 跟他们说损失了四千万用户了吗 Tell them about the 40 million user drop-off? 病毒攻击


 全说了 Virus, missteps, all of it. 我把尼克揍了一顿都说了 Even told "em how I whooped Nick"s ass. 漂亮 Great. 结果呢 How"d that go for you? 其实挺好的 It went pretty well, actually. 罗纳德开诚布公

 说了病毒攻击 Ronald laid everything out, about the virus, 说了我们的恢复速度很快 about how fast our recovery rate has been. 他们非常渴望改变形象 And they"re pretty desperate for an image change. 所以... So... 他们同意了 they"re down. 同意了

 怎么个同意法 Down? Down how? 他们出资 3.2 亿美元 $320 million down. -这太棒了

 -的确 - That"s fantastic! - Yeah, it is. 但他们有几个条件 But they got a couple conditions, though. -对吧


 他们对我们的 - Ain"t that right? - That"s right, they"re a little concerned 公♥司♥结构有些担忧 with our corporate structure. The whole... 这个联合执行总裁的制度 co-CEO thing. 但这不是个大问题 But, that shouldn"t be a big problem. 其实还挺严重的 Well, it was- it was kind of a big deal, though. 在他们看来严重 It is to them, yeah. 但是

 我意识到了 But, look, ya"ll. What I realized, though, 头衔没有意义 titles don"t really mean shit. 你懂我意思吗 You know what I"m sayin"? 我只是想成为集体的一部分 I just want to be a part of something that"s bigger than myself. 毕竟众人拾柴火焰高 Something that"s bigger than all of us. 到头来

 我可以靠它来养家 You know, something I could raise a family on at the end of the day. -令我钦佩


 尼克 - That"s very admirable of you. - Well, thank you, Nick. 这就是我不介意让玛拉掌管这里的原因 That"s why I don"t mind lettin" Mara take the reins here. 这就是他们开的条件 That was they terms. 让玛拉 That Mara... 成为唯一的首席执行官 is sole CEO. 然后

 我说 And, I said... 我同意 "Aight." 你同意 "Aight"? 你就... You just... 你就说

 "你同意"吗 you just said "Aight"? 你没有决策权 You don"t have the decision power to say "Aight." 你说得对

 我们没有决策权 Oh no, you got that right. We don"t have that decision power. 但是

 3.2 个亿 But, 320 million, that"s... 由你来决定 your decision power. 你同意吗 Aight? 慢慢地

 把枪放地上 Lower it to the ground. Slowly. 把手举起来 Hands in the air. 谁和你一起 Who else is with you? 大家都知道你是谁 Everyone knows who you are. -我告诉他们了

 -你不知道我是谁 - I told them. - You don"t know who I am... 简·米尔斯 Jane Mills. 中情局秘密行动组

 你住在... CIA black ops. You lived in... 还有谁知道 Who else knows?! 你觉得我在乎你要干什么吗 You think I care what you do to me? 你知道我经历过什么吗 You know what I"ve been through? 我能让你痛不欲生

 伊莎贝尔 I can make this hurt, Isabelle. 动手吧 Do it. 我会用最残酷的手段让你开口 I can drag this out in the worst ways. 好


 我活该 Good! Good, I deserve it. 杀了我


 杀了我 Kill me! Do it, bitch! Go! 冷静冷静 Okay, just settle down... 把你手♥机♥给我 Give me your phone. -我没手♥机♥

 -把你手♥机♥给我 - I don"t have one. - Give me your phone! 滑过来 Slide it. -你真的一团糟

 -闭嘴 - You really messed the bed... - Shut up! -你就是


 -闭嘴 - No, you did, Isabelle. - Shut... 你认为我是唯一一个 You think I"m the only one here... -试图收拾残局的


 别说了 -...trying to clean this up. -Shut up. Stop talking. 一颗钻

 总重 1-1/6 克拉 内直径 17 厘米

 白金 价格

 22575 美元 怎么了

 伊兹 Yeah, Izzy? 进来吧 Come in. -我不知道你俩吵架了

 -你也没问过 - I didn"t know you guys were in trouble. - You never asked. 没错

 我没问过 That"s right. I didn"t. 所以你真要这么做吗 So, you"re really gonna do this? 依旧由你来决定 It"s still your decision. 我们得到投资 We get all the money... 你来接管公♥司♥ you take all the control. 我们可以一起做

 对吗 You know--you know we can do this together, right? 不管他们俩

 不管所有人 Forget the kid, forget everybody. 只有你和我 You and me... 对抗整个世界 against the whole world. 我们已经试过了 We already tried that once. 结果对我来说并不好 And it didn"t work out so great for me. 我很为你骄傲


 你知道吗 I"m real proud of you, Mara. You know that? 谢谢你 Thank you. 抱歉 Sorry... 抱歉我不够好 sorry I wasn"t better. 她没说别的吗 She didn"t say nothin" else? 她就说阿♥拉♥克网的未来取决于此 Just that the future of ArakNet depends on it, so... 和什么都没说差不多 probably nothing. -兄弟...


 小白脸 - Look, man... - Hey, don"t say nothin", South Beach. 你要道歉吗 You wanna apologize? 别浪费口舌了

 我知道不是真心的 Don"t bother, "cause I know it ain"t real. 你和我

 我们之间什么都不是了 You and me... we ain"t nothin" no more. 现在你必须同意萨吉诺投资的条件 Now you gonna say yes to that Saginaw guap 因为这是我们的唯一机会 "cause that"s the only chance that we got. 我们现在穷途末路

 你知道的 We on our last leg, and you know that shit. 这是好消息 That"s the good news. 但是你和我

 除了同事之外什么都不是 But you and me, we ain"t shit but co-workers. 向前看

 这就是我们的做法 Moving forward, that"s all we is. 这是我们一直以来的做法 That"s all we ever gonna be. -伊兹

 -在里面 - Hey, Iz. - In here! -你还好吗

 -进来吧 - You all right? - Just come in here. 不行 No. 等等

 罗尼 Wait! Ronnie! 二位

 二位 Guys! Guys! -我不会再趟她的浑水了

 -听我说 - I ain"t steppin" in her bullshit no more, dog, - Listen, listen. 那个女人


 她有我们的电♥话♥ That woman, whoever she is, she has our number. 你不觉得把伊兹一个人留在这里 You don"t think leaving 掌控整个局面不是个好主意吗 Izzy in charge of this situation is a bad idea? -二位


 -她都看见你了 - Guys, please! - Come on, she already saw you. 她看见你了 She saw you. 麻烦来找你了

 是吧 Trouble just finds you, huh? 她跟踪我


 想杀了我 She came after me. She broke in, tried to kill me. 如果我爸在的话

 她一定会杀了他 She woulda killed my dad if he was here. -不


 -我们来聊聊这个 - No, just you, actually. - Let"s talk this out. Huh? -她的身份是假的

 -这我们知道 - She"s not who she says she is. - Yeah, we got that part. 她是中情局的

 秘密行动组 She"s CIA. Black ops. 潘兴广场的事是她搞砸的 Pershing Square was her fuck up, 她现在想抹掉这一切 and now she"s trying to erase it. 这所有的一切 All of it. 包括我


 包括阿♥拉♥克网 Meaning me, meaning us, meaning ArakNet. 你为什么不告诉他们你是怎么知道的 Why don"t you tell tm how you know all that? 你在阿♥拉♥克网其实是为我工作 Meaning, you"ve been working for me at ArakNet. 我在古巴救了她 Meaning, I saved her ass in Cuba. 她想成为我的间谍 And she wanted to be my mole. 我想比起我来

 他们更好奇你 I think they"re much more interested in you than me. 伊莎贝尔·莫拉莱斯 Isabelle Morales. 她用我的家人威胁我 She threatened my family. 我为你担♥保♥过 I vouched for you. 确实 You did. 我没办法

 她不给我机会选择 I didn"t have a choice. She didn"t leave me a choice. -你总会有办法的

 -我没有选择的余地 - You always got a choice. - You don"t always have a choice. -闭嘴

 -这不一样 - Hey, shut up! - This was different. -我们得解决问题

 -我为你担♥保♥过 - We have to fix this now. - I vouched for you. -我很抱歉

 -我们以后再说这个 - I"m sorry. - We will talk about that later. 现在

 我们得解决这个问题 Right now, we have to fix this. 我来告诉你们该做什么 Here"s what we need to do. 你们应该放我走

 让我走出去 You should let me go. You should let me walk right out of here. -什么

 -因为你们手上都有人命 - What? - Yeah, "cause y"all have blood on your hands. 你们以为我不知道吗 Or did you think I didn"t know? 你们本有机会阻止潘兴广场发生的事 That you could"ve stopped what happened at Pershing Square. 但是你们没有 But you didn"t. 人们终究会发现的 But people are gonna find out. 一旦他们发现了 And once they do... 你们那美丽的不可知论... this beautiful agnosticism of yours... 在阿♥拉♥克网和恐♥怖♥分♥子♥面前 was just a little too cozy between ArakNet 变得有些绵软无力

 不是吗 and the terrorists now, isn"t it? 她在虚张声势 She"s bluffing. 我没有

 我说的是大实话 I am not. I swear on my mother"s grave. 她不可信

 我们不能信任这个女人 She can"t be trusted. We can"t trust this woman. 抱歉

 谁才是这间屋子里不可信的女人 I"m sorry, who"s the woman in the room we can"t trust? 该死 Goddamnit! 我们得放她走 We gotta out her. 她这种人

 就像蜥蜴的尾巴一样 Folks like her, is like a lizard"s tail. 剪断了之后

 还会长出新的 You cut it off, another one grow in its place. 唯一让我们安全的方法

 伊兹 Only way we gon" be safe now, Izzy, 就是把整个事件曝光 is to shine a big ole" bright light on it. 你有固定电♥话♥吗 You got a landline? -我们要打给...

 -你是吃错药了吗 We gotta call the unis... -Are you fucking high?! -没有

 -你要叫警♥察♥来抓联邦秘密... - No. - You"re gonna call the cops on a... on a federal black op... 管她是什么 whatever the fuck? -警♥察♥不知道这些事


 尼克 - The cops don"t have anything on that. - Don"t matter, Nick! 警♥察♥过来


 让玛拉来说 The police come, the media come, we put... we put Mara on it. 越多人知道

 我们越安全 The more people that know, the safer that we are. 罗纳德

 这会曝光阿♥拉♥克网 Ronald, it will expose ArakNet. 别关心阿♥拉♥克网了 Fuck ArakNet! 老百姓遇难了

 尼克 People, Nick! 这和公♥司♥无关

 有关的是我和我的家人 This ain"t about no company, this about me and mine. 你和你的家人

 伊兹 About you and yours. Izzy? 你和你♥爸♥还有你妈 You and your old man and your old girl. 这人会把我们都搞死的 This bitch done fucked us all up. 你是怕了她吗 Are you scared of this bitch right here? -罗纳德·达西

 -伊兹 - Ronald fucking Dacey? -Izzy, 你不想把一切弄得一团糟 you don"t want to mess with all this. 她是那种让人害怕的人 She the kinda people that scary people are afraid of. 她是被人指派过来的

 坏人会说 She the kinda people that bad people say, 我们得做点更坏的事 "God damn, we need to do somethin" extra bad. 我们得让别人去做坏事 So bad, we gotta send somebody else to do that shit." 所以

 他们把她派过来了 And then, they send her. 她不是唯一一个 And she ain"t the only one! 你认为我们还能怎么离开这里 How else do you think we"re gonna get up out of here? 我的天啊 Jesus Christ... 放手

 把枪给我 Let go... just gimme that. 你知道你刚才干了什么吗 Do you have any idea what you just did? 我们得走了

 我们得走了 We need to go. We need to go. 我们得把这里清理一下 We gotta clean this up. 你在干什么伊兹

 这只会变得更糟 What you doin", Iz? You"re just makin" it worse. 别让血流得到处都是 Stop the blood from goin" everywhere. 你有防水布或垃圾袋吗 All right, you got a tarp or some garbage bags? 我车里有防水布 Yeah, I have the tarp from my car. 拿上来

 再拿一些牛皮胶布 Okay, grab that. And get some duct tape. 再拿一些线之类的东西 Some twine, somethin" like that. 把我的车开过来 Bring my car around. -把我的车开过来

 -好的 - Bring my damn car around. - Okay. 停得越近越好 All right? Park it as close as you can park. 一定要停好了

 别溜车 No handicapped spot, nothin" like that. 这不行伊兹


 麻绳吗 That ain"t gonna work, Iz. You got twine? Rope? 麻绳 Twine. 这个可以

 抓着她的手臂 Yeah, that"ll work. Grab her arms. 抓着她的手臂

 伊兹 Grab her arms, Izzy. -我们要这么做吗

 -我们就这么做 - Is this what we"re doing? - Yes, this is what we doin". 除非你想进监狱 Unless you want to go to jail. 快点


 搭把手 All right, come on, Nick, help me, bro. BGM: When You"re Gone by Jon and Roy Right in front me are your eyes ♪ But the light is gone ♪ Have this glowing candle white ♪ But that"ll go out soon ♪ "m all right, when you"re gone ♪ I can"t call, by your phone ♪ Oh the night, it is long ♪ ♪ When I"m all here alone ♪ How many times before ♪ Broken up the day ♪ Forty-one habits formed ♪ But I want you to stay ♪ "m all right, when you"re gone ♪ I can"t call, by your phone ♪ Oh the night, it is long ♪ When I"m all here alone ♪ ♪ Oh, no are you going alone? ♪

推荐访问:剧本 中英文对照 第十集