

六月 分类信息网站中的领跑者






 以及敏感的寻找异性朋友 姜汁汽水加石榴汁糖浆等制成的女孩饮料 终于 21 岁[法律界定 21 岁为合法饮酒年龄] 都是上世纪美国著名工业设计师 塔吉特百货


 主营打折奢侈品 七月 美国国♥庆♥

 独♥立♥日 坦帕市

 美国佛罗里达州西部港市 卡尔顿·史茨

 不动产投资商和电视广♥告♥员 八月 KAPPA

 某公♥司♥的可调频心率起搏器 魔力麦克 周四周五周六晚上 预订价 15 元

 现场价 20 元 我们他妈开始吧

 来吧 Let"s fucking get it on right now. Let"s go. 快点

 快点 Come on. Come on. 来

 来 Here. Here. 我要说说今晚的规矩 Now, I want to go over a few rules with y"all tonight. 行吧


 第一条 Ain"t that all right? Don"t worry about it. Rule number one. 有个规则叫

 能碰的和不能碰的 This is the "What can you touch and not touch" Rules. 这里能碰吗 Can you touch this? 不行不行绝对不行 No, no, no. 第二个地方 Second touch. 这里能碰吗 Can you touch this? 不行不行还是不行 No, no, no. 那最后 And finally... 最后一个地方

 这里能碰吗 Last one, ladies. Can you touch this? 这里能吗 Can you ever touch this? 法定的

 这里不让碰 Well, that"s who the law says that you cannot touch. 不过我看今晚有不少人想犯罪呢 But I think I see a lot of lawbreakers up in this house tonight. 而且眼前一个警♥察♥也没有 And I don"t see a cop in sight. 不是吗 All right? 今晚不敢穿内♥裤♥了 You know, I gotta go commando today 免得像昨晚被人扯成碎布 because someone ripped off my favorite pair of panties last night. -没什么好笑的

 -情不自禁 - Hey. It"s not funny. - Heh, oh, sorry, heh. -那可是我奶奶留给我的

 -别忽悠我了 - They were my grandma"s. - They were not your grandma"s. 有可能是 They could have been. 能把那件衬衫扔给我吗 Can you throw me, uh, that shirt right there? 她怎么办 Hey, what are we gonna do about her? 不知道 I don"t know. 她叫什么来着 What was her name again? 什么

 我不... What? I don"t... 不好意思

 她叫什么 I"m sorry. What"s her name? 你也不知道 You don"t even know. -我知道

 -你找的她 - I do. - You found her. 你得记住她的名字才对 You have to remember her. -我知道她的名字

 -那她叫什么 - I know her name. - What is it, then? 叫 It"s.... 佩内洛普 Penelope. 叫什么无所谓

 她很有趣 Whatever her name was, she was fun. 桌子不错

 哪买♥♥的 That"s a cool table. Where"d you get it? 上次飓风来的时候 That"s just some old shit 吹到海边来的 that blew up on a beach after the last hurricane. 你做的吗 You made that? 你应该卖♥♥了它们 You should sell these things. 谢谢欣赏

 我就这么想的 Thank you. That"s actually the idea. 麦克主题家具定制 Mike"s Custom Furniture Concepts. 不过市场还没那么前卫 But the market hasn"t really hit the sweet spot yet. 我等着银行 Hm, I"m waiting for the bank 给我批贷款呢 to make the competitive loans I"m looking for 然后我就开始大卖♥♥特卖♥♥ and then I"ll swoop in. 不错 Cool. 我要走了

 可以吧 I"m going to get out of here. You guys are good? 什么

 你就把我们留在这吗 What? You"re just gonna leave us? 对


 难不成你要偷我东西去卖♥♥ Yeah. What, are you gonna steal a bunch of my shit or something? 很可能

 陌生人都这么干 Probably. That"s what strangers do. -要不


 -好吧 - Don"t do that... maybe? - Okay. -好吧

 -好吧 - Okay. - Okay. 那我还能见到你 So I"m going to see you again? 应该吧


 我再打给你 Uh, yeah, probably. I don"t know. I"ll, uh, call you. 再见 Bye. 乔治和大伙在哪 Where"s George and the guys? 他们最后接了别的活儿 They fucked me and took 放我鸽子了

 我就找了这些人 another gig last minute. So I got these guys. 哪找来的 Where"d you get them? 业内介绍 Uh, you know, ah, industry referrals. 靠

 你从克雷格列表找的吗 My dick. You got them off Craigslist? 不要爱吵着要福利的 I can"t have fucking union guys around here 工会的人 barking about benefits and shit. 别烦我了 Give me a break. 那我去那干吗 So, what am I supposed to do in there? -你叫索尔


 -是塞尔 - Hey, you Sol? Adam. - Sal. 亚当


 这是麦克 Oh, Adam, how you doing? This is Mike. 你们将一起工作 You guys are gonna be working together. 等会儿

 我还有点事要明说 Give me a minute? I want to straighten something out there. 你可以从那上去 You can hop up there. -别开玩笑了

 -什么 - You gotta be fucking kidding me. - What? 他还他妈的穿网球鞋

 他不知道 He"s wearing fucking tennis shoes. He doesn"t know... 别闹了 Ah, heh, do me a favor, 快上去

 给你一小时十四美金 go up there and do it for 14 bucks an hour. 二十我才干 I"m gonna do it for 20 bucks an hour. -十八

 -也行 - I"ll give you 18. - Mm-mm. 别跟我闹

 你像我儿子一般 Don"t fuck with me. You"re like my son. 一小时付二十的儿子 The son which you"re gonna pay $20 an hour. 怎么了 What"s up? 你有铺过瓦吗 You ever, uh, tiled a roof before? -没有

 -靠 - No. - Fuck. 你到底怎么得到这份工作的 How"d you get this job, anyways? 克雷格列表啊 Craigslist. 你就留言说你铺过瓦 And you put on your post that you"d tiled houses before? 对 Yeah. 没错 Right, ugh. 你包里有什么 So, what do you got in your bag? -打开来看看

 -里面什么也没 - Why don"t you open it up? - There"s nothing in it. 在我敲爆你脑袋前 Why don"t you open the 乖乖地打开背包 fucking bag before I open your fucking head up? 有个很不错的火腿

 还有奶酪三明治 I got a nice ham, cheese sandwich.... 你识字吧 You know how to read, huh? 一天一罐百事可乐

 好好看清规矩 One Pepsi a day. Read the cooler. 我会查货的 I"m gonna do my inventory. 要是少了

 找你算账 If I come up short, I"m coming right to you. 熄火了吗 Is it dead? 什么 What"s that? 你想的话我可以把你打着火 I can try to jump you off if you want, 不是电瓶的问题 but it"s not the battery. 我估计你完蛋了 I think you"re probably fucked. 就问他们要不要上台 Just tell them if they want to get into this be up there. 待会电流吧见 I"ll see you at the Amp. All right. Later. 你在干什么

 停下 What are you doing? Stop. 你♥他♥妈♥在干什么

 哥们 What the fuck are you doing, man? 抱歉 Sorry. 这是新的

 要是你♥他♥妈♥ It"s new. It"s gonna stay new 不把薄膜撕下来

 它会一直是新的 if you don"t rip off the damn plastic. 你要它干什么 Why do you have that? 它能保护它 Because it protects it. 等准备要卖♥♥的时候我再撕掉 I"m going to rip it off when I"m ready to sell it. 这样它看起来就像全新的 It"ll be like brand-new. 你是哪人 Where are you from? 柑泉市 Citrus Springs. 你踢球吗 Did you play ball? 踢

 强♥卫♥ Uh, yeah. Strong safety. 看着不像 You don"t look like a strong safety. 只是图个乐子而已 I gave that, uh, college thing the college try. 没踢出什么名堂 Didn"t quite work out. 被铺瓦这活儿勾走了呗 Couldn"t resist the lure of the roofing business? 没错

 还有我姐姐的沙发 Yeah, that and the lure of my sister"s couch. 今晚能帮个忙

 送我到我车那吗 Can you do me a favor and drop me off at my car tonight? 不行


 我要去吃饭了 No, I"m sorry. I"m going to dinner. 不过明早可以 I can take you tomorrow morning, though. 你几点上班 What time do you have to be at work? 我得跟你谈谈这事 I need to talk to you about that, heh. 领班说我偷东西

 我就他妈辞职了 The foreman, he accused me of stealing. So I fucking quit. 什么 What? 辞了

 不过我有... Yeah, but I have.... 我收到 T-Mobile 的面试通知 Well, I had that interview at T-Mobile. 他们要我打领带 So, uh, yeah. They asked me to wear a fucking tie. 你知道我很讨厌打领带 You know how I feel about wearing a fucking tie. 你为什么不乐意打领带 Why don"t you just wear a tie? 对不起

 你知道我有我的原则 Sorry. You know what my rules are. 天啊

 老弟 Oh, God, brother. 怎么 What? 我还 I also 可以干... could do... -什么

 -什么 - What? - What? -你刚说什么

 -你听到什么 - What did you say? - What did you hear? 你刚才那样了

 你玩那个了 You"re doing that thing. You"re doing that game. -什么游戏


 你老那么玩 - What game? - No. You do that all the time. 现在可不好使了 It"s not working anymore. -说到玩


 -是啊 - Talking about games, I could be a gamer. - Oh, yeah. -卖♥♥游戏给大众

 -会大赚一笔的 - And I could sell it to people. - You"ll make so much money. -我可以给游戏配音

 -可挣钱了 - I could be the voice of the game. - Even more money. 我的声音不错

 让人过耳不忘 I have a very good voice. I do great impressions. 的确如此

 昨晚那声音怎样来着 You do do good impressions. What was the one you did last night? -我现在可不说


 再说一次 - I"m not going to do it now. - Heh, do it again. Do it again. -不要

 -快点 - No. - Come on. 听我说 Listen to me. 这是我的墨西哥面饼 These are my tortillas. 上车


 跟我来 Get in the chopper. John Connor, come with me. 好

 好吧 Okay. All right. 如果那没能成功 In case that doesn"t work out, 今晚跟我和保罗吃饭吧 why don"t you come to dinner with me and Paul tonight? 问问他朋友那里是不是有职位空缺 You can ask him if any of his friends have any job openings. 不过有时候人们想要 But sometimes people want to, you know, 他们觉得自己欠的 they think they"re owed a lot more than, 比应该得到更多 uh, they deserve. 那太糟了

 无赖 So too bad. Bummer. 但是无所谓

 糟透了 Uh, but, uh, you know, whatever. Sucks. 我不用告诉他们真♥相♥ I just don"t have to be the guy that tells them, uh, you know, 他们没能力重建房♥子 that they"re, uh, not going to be able to rebuild their houses. 总之... Um, anyway... 我们聊点别的 Uh, let"s talk about something else, you know. 你说得对 You"re right. 谈医疗补助 I"m sick of talking about Medicaid 处理保险表的事我都谈吐了 and processing insurance forms as well. 我能理解 I get it. -对

 -能理解 - Right. - I get it. 对 Right. 这跟处理医疗保险申请多多少少有点不同 I mean, it"s slightly different when you"re doing Medicaid claims 当你处理大宗财产损失申请 and when you"re doing huge property damage claims, 应该还是差不多的吧 but I guess it"s a similar kind of thing. 没错 Yeah. 等等

 等等 Oh, wait, wait. -记得我说的吗

 -很抱歉 - Remember what I said? - Hmm, I"m so sorry. 我今晚开不了车了

 开了一个周末了 I just can"t drive tonight. I"ve been driving all weekend. 抱歉 I"m sorry. -没事

 -我忘了 - No worries. - I just forgot. 会有人喝光它的 Someone will finish it, I think. -给


 -我喝 - There you go. There"s a taker. - I will. 好喝吗 Good? 你要去哪 Where are you going? 知道今晚谁上台吗 Uh, hey, do you know who"s spinning tonight? -不


 -没事 - No. Sorry. - All right. 麦克 Hey, Mike. 你好啊

 伙计 Hey, man! 麦克 Mike. 抱歉

 哥们 Sorry, bro. 麦克 Hey, Mike. -你好


 哥们 - Heh, what"s going on? - What"s going on, bro? -你进去吗


 我们去 - Are you going in? - Yeah, we"re going. 我能跟你去吗 Can I come with you? 哥们

 他们不会让你这么进去的 Pfft, dude, they"re never gonna let you in like that. 拜托

 让我♥干♥什么都行 Come on. I"d do anything. 跟我说没用

 他们不会同意的 Heh, it"s not my fault. I"m just saying they"re not gonna do it. 我同意


 哥们 I would do it, but... I don"t think they"re going to do it, bro. 好吧 All right. 好吧 All right? 靠


 哥们 Fuck. Okay, dude. Hey. 你欠我一个人情 You"re going to owe me. -我保证

 -欠我的人情 - I promise, man... - I mean, owe me. 别多问

 你欠我的 No questions asked, owe me. 随您差遣 Anything. 摘了帽子 Take your hood off. 让自己看起来像样点...把衬衫掖进去 Try to look a little more... tuck your fucking shirt in. 别穿网球鞋了

 哥们 You got to not wear tennis shoes, bro. 乔治


 我有一双 George, dude, I got one. 抱歉


 我知道 I"m sorry. I know, I know. 谢谢


 谢了 Thanks, bro. I owe you. 抱歉


 我只有这一双鞋 Sorry, man. These are the only shoes I got. 宝贝

 我们喝上两杯没事吧 Hey, baby, mwah. Can we borrow one of these? 谢谢

 拿一杯 Thank you. Grab one. 不用钱吗 Is it free? 不用担心


 你能挣回来 Don"t worry, man, you"re gonna earn your keep. 我招了个新人 So I got us a new recruit. 美女

 这是小♥逼♥孩 Ladies, meet the Kid. 这是波西亚和露比 Portia, Ruby. 觉得如何呢

 行不行呢 What are we thinking? Yes, no, maybe? -不


 -是吗 - Oh, yeah. The cougars will eat him up. - Yeah? 看来你长了副好皮囊

 朋友 That"s a quality endorsement, my friend. 你们是干什么的 What do you guys do? -什么


 过来 - What? - Come here. Come here. 女孩告诉你她的名字和花 Any time a girl tells you her name starts with a flower, 车或宝石搭边 a car or a stone, 就别问她的职业 don"t bother asking what she does. 懂我的意思吗 You know what I"m saying? 好吧

 我没那么多时间 All right, I ain"t got that much time, 就按我喜欢的叫了

 好吗 so I"m calling in my favor, all right? 好的 Okay. 看到戴皇冠和肩饰的姑娘了吗 You see the girl with the tiara thing and the sash? -看见了

 -去跟她搭讪 - Yeah. - Go talk to her. 说什么 What do you want me to say? 无所谓 I don"t care. 你没跟姑娘搭过讪吗 Have you never talked to a girl before? 搭个话而已 Just go talk to her. 有点创意 Be creative. 她看上去不想被人打扰 She does not look like she wants to be bothered. 瞧瞧她穿的 Look at what she"s wearing. 她今晚来着


 被搭讪 She came here tonight to be bothered. 去撩撩骚

 你想不想待在这里啦 Go bother her. You want to be inside or outside? 想 Inside. 一会我去救你

 快去 I"ll come save you in a minute. Get out of here. 如果我们能买♥♥到酒

 我就疯一晚上 I"m getting wasted tonight if we could get a drink. 我知道 I know. 她好像完全不理会我们这边 She"s, like, ignoring the whole side of this bar. -你好


 卡拉 - Hey. - Hey, Carla. 哥们


 你撞到我的妞了 Yo, man. Watch out, you"re going to knock my girlfriend. -是吗


 你♥他♥妈♥想干什么 - Oh, yeah? - Yeah, what the fuck are you gonna do? -我认识你吗

 -你好 - Uh, hi. Do I know you? - Hi. 不

 我... Uh, no. I"m, uh... 我都不知道我有男朋友 I didn"t know that I had a boyfriend, 不过还是谢谢 but thank you for that. 这儿的人都挺讨厌的 Um, all the guys here are fucking obnoxious. 谢谢夸奖 Thanks for that. 谁他妈的过来招呼下我们啊 Who do we have to fuck to get a fucking drink? 我

 可以吗 Uh, me, please? -你乐意为我们效劳是吧

 -是的 - You"d like that, wouldn"t you? - Uh, yes, I would. 我们都等好久了

 我都 21 了 We"ve been standing around here for quite a while, and I"m 21. -真的

 -买♥♥不到酒啊 - It"s true. - And I can"t get drunk. -你 21 了

 -对 - You"re 21? - Yes. 21 岁生日快乐

 我请你们喝一杯吧 Happy 21st. I"d buy you guys a shot if I... -不用了

 -没事 - Don"t worry about it. - It"s fine. 我叫亚当 Oh, Adam. -我叫莉斯 -你好

 莉斯 - I"m Liz. Hi. - Hi, Liz. 你怎么说


 来一杯吗 What do you say, baby boy? You want one? 找不到人和我喝

 你们想喝吗 I can"t find anybody to take these. Y"all want them? 太好了

 我们自己喝不完 Perfect. We can"t drink them all ourselves. 这一杯敬我们未来的孩子 Uh, here"s to, um, our children. 希望他们是富二代 May they have rich fucking parents, heh. 绝对的 Heh, absolutely. 好

 好的 Yes. Okay. -你们在旧金山大学读书吗

 -是的 - What, you guys go to USF? - Yeah. 现在是暑假

 对吧 So it"s summer break, correct? 没错 That"s right. 没看错的话

 它显示你 21 岁了 And if I"m not mistaken, that says 21, Right? 我刚好 21 岁

 没错 I am 21, yes. 她怎么还没被灌醉呢 Then why the fuck isn"t she throwing up? 我们买♥♥不到酒 We can"t get drinks. 买♥♥不到

 那不是借口 You can"t get drinks? That"s no excuse. 你朋友真坏 That"s a bad friend you got. 我可不坏 I"m not a bad friend. -你坏

 -我试着变坏呢 - You are a bad friend. - I"m trying. 你就是坏人 You are a bad friend. 懂了吗

 你听见她说的了 See? You heard it from her. I"m just saying. 你们今晚有什么计划 What are you guys planning on doing tonight? 你想知道吗 Wouldn"t you like to know? 说实话

 确实想 Actually, I would, to be totally honest. 要是你们想疯一把 If you like to get a wee bit crazy, 就来看表演吧 why don"t you come down and see the show? -真的吗

 -绝对认真 - Are you serious? - As a fucking heart attack. 我们这有不少朋友

 他们也能去吗 We have a lot of friends here. Can they come too? -多少

 -八♥九♥个吧 - How many? - Eight or nine? 太棒了 That"s perfect, actually. 把这给门检

 就能免费入场 Hand them these. Tell them they get in free at the door. 好

 我们可能会去 Okay. Maybe we"ll come. 不

 这答应可不算 No. That"s not a commitment. 你的小朋友去的话

 我们就去 Maybe we"ll come, if your little friend here comes too. -我吗

 -小朋友 - Me? - Oh, "Little friend." 那就简单了

 因为他会去 That"s an easy if, because he will be there. -他肯定在

 -我会去吗 - He"s absolutely gonna be there. - I will? 那我们也会去 Then we"ll be there too. 好吧

 表演 45 分钟后开始 All right. The show starts in 45 minutes. 45 分钟后能到吧 You can make it in 45 minutes? -发誓你们会来的


 我们答应 - You"re going to come. You swear? - Yeah, we promise. 哥们

 你是脱衣舞男 Dude. You"re a fucking stripper? 我刚才真以为你要拆台了 I swear, I thought you were going to shit the bed, 不过你成功了 but you, heh, actually did it. 我欠你一个人情 Ah, I feel like I owe you. 要是你来 I can throw you 100 bucks 演一出

 等今晚结束 tip you out at the end of the night 我可以给你一百块小费 if you really want to host. 演什么 Host what? 不行

 绝对不行 Yeah. No, for sure. 希望你准备好了 I hope you"re ready for this shit. 麦克 Mike, Mike... 他是谁

 麦克 Who"s your friend, Mike? 这是老板

 上帝 This is the owner. Jesus. 去他妈的鬼神胡扯

 哥们 Fucking Valhalla shit, man, mwah. 看见没

 麦克 You see that shit, Mike? 小妞们要他妈把这里掀了 Chicks are gonna go fucking crazy over this, man. 你不想要的话 I"m thinking of giving 就让泰山来走场子了 this routine to Tarzan, unless you want it. 我不了

 不是我的范 No. It"s not my style, 但是得有人干

 这活儿不错 but, uh, somebody should do it. It"s cool. 这的确不赖 Oh, it"s fucking really good, heh. 他是谁 Ah, who"s this? 这是小♥逼♥孩 This is the Kid. 今晚还跟 Uh, he wrangled, 小♥逼♥姑娘似的吵吵 like, nine sorority girls for us tonight, 所以我觉得他能帮上忙 so I figured he could help out around here tonight. 你多大 How old are you? -19

 -19 - Uh, nineteen. - Nineteen. 这么嫩的娃能干出什么名堂 The fuck am I supposed to do with that? 拜托

 他不像 19 Oh, come on. He don"t look 19. 我不能让他上 I can"t have him host. 他妈的不能用一个 19 岁小孩 Can"t have a 19-year-old on the fucking street. 至少他可以递道具吧 Then he can do props, can"t he? -我什么都能干

 -这里就是一团糟 - I can do anything. - We"re setting up our own shit as it is. 好吧

 递道具 All right. Props. 你今晚上台 You"re on props tonight. 麦克或别人说啥

 你就做啥 Do whatever Mikey tells you, any of the guys tell you. 不管是扫厕所还是其它的 Clean the fucking toilets, whatever. 今晚

 听好了 Tonight. And listen up. 这不是闹着玩的 This is not a fucking joke. 好吗

 这事不是好玩的 All right? It"s not a fucking hobby. 这是我的场子

 干的是认真的活计 This is a serious business I"m running. 所以我最不需要的 So the last thing I need 就是一个未成年来瞎搅和 is a teenage liability fucking my future up. -别捣乱


 -好 - Don"t try it. Capiche? - Yeah. 一屋子娘们的时候 One thing about Waffle House 你要小心别被咬着 pussy is you got to worry about the teeth. 一屋子娘们

 我讨厌身边全是逼 Waffle House pussy? I hate Waffle House pussy, heh. 各位


 你们待会再谢我 Everybody, this is the Kid. Y"all can thank me later. 他今晚来帮忙 He"s going to help us out tonight. 这是大屌♥奇


 提托和泰山 This is Big Dick Richie, Ken, Tito and Tarzan. 我知道了 Whoa, I get it. 告诉他你要什么样的道具 Just tell him what props you need. 我待会儿帮他准备好 I"ll help him set them up later. 就这样吧


 自在点 And, uh, yeah. Have fun. Make yourself at home, Kid. 给

 哥们 There you go, bro. -不用了



 -不用吗 - No, thanks, man. - No? -不了

 -随你便 - No. I"m good. - Suit yourself. 你递烟的姿势熟门熟路的 You handed it to me like the Hindenburg. -你干了多久了

 -什么 - How long you been on the force? - What? 你当警♥察♥当了多久 The police. How long you been a cop? 我不是警♥察♥

 哥们 I"m not a cop, man. 跟你闹着玩的

 坐 Ha, ha, just fucking with you. Sit down. 快来


 坐 Come on, man, sit down. 那你怎么认识麦克的 So how do you know Mike? 我们都在工地干活 We, uh, worked together on construction. 你在那能挣多少 What kind of cash you make at that? 你没事吧

 哥们 You all right, man? 你在那赚多少 What kind of cash you make? 1 小时 10 块 Like 10 bucks an hour. 私活 Under the table? 对 Yeah. 不错 Hmm, not bad. 那你是来帮忙的 So you"re here to help us out? 没错 Yes, I am. 好吧

 那我们让你火一把 All right, so we got your first little piece of business, bam. 觉得他脸色差吗 That look ashy to you? -什么

 -觉得他脸色差吗 - What"s that, man? - That look ashy? 抬头 Heads up. 给小家伙喷点东西 Just give it a little... Just a little spray on that calf there. 过来 Oh, come on. 过来 Come on. 哥们

 我不想给你的腿喷东西 Dude, I don"t want to spray your leg. 喷吧 Just do it. 我们都得喷

 哥们 We all had to do it, man. 算是前戏


 快点 It"s like the initiation. Lord of the Flies. Come on. 快点


 没事的 Come on, Kid. It"s all right. 今晚结束 We"ll tip you out good at 我们会给你不少钱的 the end of the night. 你会很开心的 You"ll be a happy man. 好好涂

 涂均匀 Make sure you massage it in good. -真要弄吗

 -没错 - Are you serious? - Yeah. 他也弄了 He fucking did it too. 没事的


 没事的 Oh, you"re all right, man. You"re all right. 女士们

 坐到最前面的桌子来 Take this front-row table right here, ladies. 带身份证了吗 You got your ID on you? 带身份证了吗 You got your lD? Heh. 你们今晚不会只喝秀兰邓波尔饮料吧 You"re not drinking a Shirley Temple tonight, are you? 当然不会

 我们都喝了几杯了 No. We"ve already had a few drinks, so... 今晚只喝酒

 好好享受享受 No Roy Rogers, no Shirley Temples. Y"all have a great time. 我们先来一场群舞 We do a group act first, 之后是个人秀 then we do our solos, 然后是椅子辣舞 then we do hot seats. 要是顺利让姑娘们嗨了 If everything goes well and we get these girls jacked up 就能抬高椅子舞的价码 then we jack up the pirce of the hot seats, 所以别搞砸了 so don"t fuck it up. 伙计

 小菜一碟 Dude, it"s easy. 你只要在我们上台前 All you got to do is just hand us 递个道具就可以了 our props before we go out on-stage. 好吗


 你只需要做这些 All right? That"s it. That"s all you got to do. 你把道具什么的都拿来 You bring out whatever props and everything... 他来了 There he is. 这是托拜厄斯

 我们的常驻 DJ This is Tobias. He is our resident DJ. 这是托拜厄斯

 这是小♥逼♥孩 Kid, Tobias. Tobias, the Kid. 他会在每个动作前给你指令 He"s gonna be the one giving you the cue before each act. 前戏

 这就是我所说的 Pre-game. That"s what I"m talking about. 它是爱爱魔药 It"s the love potion, man. -什么味的


 -那是什么 - What is this? Strawberry? - What is that? 有点像杂烩 It"s a little mixture. 在迈阿密

 我们叫它"嗨露" In, uh, Miami, we call it Hey Juice. 叫"嗨露"

 因为如果你喝整瓶 Hey Juice. Because if you drink the whole bottle, "嘿"


 伙计 "Hey", you are gonna be like it, man. 给他一点 Give it a sample. 你不能喝酒

 那你想喝半盖这个吗 You can"t drink, so you want like half a cap? 我不知道这是什么玩意 I don"t know what the fuck it is. 它只是种毒品 It"s just G. 基本上就像喝醉一样

 还不会发胖 It"s basically like getting drunk without all the calories. -好吧

 -你确定 - All right. - You sure? 就好啦

 就好啦 All right, all right, all right. 今晚感觉怎样

 女士们 How are we feeling tonight, ladies? 让我再听一次尖叫声

 来啊 Let me hear it one more time. Come on. 要下雨了 It"s gonna rain. 雨水落下


 涤荡灵魂 Rain gonna come down and cleanse our soul and wash away the ash. 所以拿出钱包 So get out your purses and 准备好撒钱吧 get ready to spend some motherfucking cash. 欢迎即将上台的

 独一无二的 Welcome to the stage, the one, the only... 坦帕市脱衣舞至尊王者 the Cock-rocking Kings of Tampa. 人猿泰山 Tarzan. 人猿泰山 Tarzan? 他妈的人呢 Where the fuck is he? 操他的 Motherfucker. 搞什么


 泰山呢 What the fuck, man? Tarzan. 操

 伙计 Fuck, man. 操他的 Motherfucker. 都多少次了 How many fucking times, huh? 肯恩

 性♥虐♥那套 Ken, S&M routine. 你能行吗

 可以吗 You up on that? Can you do that? 我说过

 不要把负面能量带到舞台上 I"ve told you, I"m not putting that out there. Negative energy. 别把什么带到舞台上 Not putting what out there? 负面能量


 但它复燃了 The negative energy. It"s bad. It comes back. 你开玩笑呢吧 You"re kidding me. 里奇

 喷火表演 Richie, the, uh, fire-breathing gig, huh? 你能行吗 You up for that? 不

 我有火焰恐惧症 No. I got the fire-phobia issue. 提托


 伙计 Tito. Anything, man. 南部边疆的垃圾把戏 South of the border fucking shit 你老在家做的那些 you"ve been doing at home. 我努力想新的 I"m working on something, 但还没准备好

 还没好 but it"s not ready yet. It"s not ready. 操

 好吧 Fuck, All right. 我们得做点什么


 来点什么吧 We got to do something. Mikey, what you got? 我刚下台

 不行了 I just came off-stage. I can"t. 给个点子

 给我点东西 An idea. Give me something. 那你去吧 You go out then. 我才不上那该死的舞台呢

 快点 I"m not hitting the fucking floor. Come on. 要我想个点子出来吗 You want me to come up with something? 操

 对啊 Fuck, yeah, man. 但愿你会跳舞


 上啊 I hope you can dance. You still owe me. Come on. 只要开始脱衣服就好

 走出去 Just start taking your clothes off. Walk out there. 你看道拉斯干嘛 What are you looking at Dallas for? 别看他

 看台下 Don"t. Look at them. 开始吧

 兄弟 Just start, bro. 完美


 上上上 Yeah, perfect, perfect. Go, go, go. 这不就行了 There you go. 好了


 好了 All right, all right, all right. 向小♥逼♥孩报以热烈掌声吧 Let"s give it up for the Kid. 今晚他献出了他的处♥女♥秀 Popped his cherry on-stage tonight. 知道是什么时候吗

 该椅子热舞了 You know what time it is. It"s time for the hot seat. 知道那代表什么吗 You know what that means, 性♥爱♥狂欢结束了

 女士们 the orgy"s over, ladies. 跟梦中王子单独亲密的时候到了 Time for some one-on-one time with the man of your dreams. -一次五美元

 -来这里 - Five dollars a pop. - Come here. 真棒

 欢迎来到疯狂俱乐部 That"s good. Welcome to the crazy club, Kid. 来啊



 排好队 Come on. Everybody. Line up, line up, line up. 伙计

 那是谁的大鸡♥巴♥ Yeah, man. Whose big dick is that? 我喜欢 I love it. 小♥逼♥孩呢


 小♥逼♥孩 Hey, where"s the Kid? Kid. Kid. 看这个沉甸甸的内♥裤♥

 满是票子啊 Look at this saggy underwearing, all-star right here. 去给自己买♥♥点新行头 Go buy yourself fresh drawers. 他一跟她接吻

 钱就如泉涌 He put that kiss on her and pouring money out of their hands. 永远不要亲姑娘

 小♥逼♥孩 Never kiss the girls, Kid. 这可是这行的常识 That"s Performer 101. 你得小心疱疹

 别忘了 You gotta watch out for herpes. Think about it. 那也是 That too. 但今晚你勇于冒险

 并得到了回报 But tonight you took a chance and it paid off. 我喜欢这样 I like that. 他♥娘♥的♥成了 Fucking worked. 这是你的钱

 老兄 I got you your money, man. 那不是我的钱


 那是你的钱 That ain"t my money, big boy. That"s your money. 每个人在舞台赚的都是自己的辛苦钱 Every man keeps every dollar he makes on that stage. 再加上我欠你的 50

 怎么样 Plus the 50 that I owe you. All right? 准备工作吧

 老弟 Look, get ready to work, big boy. 不是每次都这么容易的 And it ain"t gonna be that easy every time. -是



 好样的 - Yes, sir. - Fucking worked, whoo! 肯恩

 好一个性♥爱♥机器人 Ken, nice fucking robot. 麦克安排下 Mike lays it out. 提托带来了一些棕色的南方妹子 Tito bringing in the south side with some brown skin. 大屌♥男

 她们还是拜倒在你的磐石之下 Big Dick, they are still devastated by your cock. 25%靠跳舞

 50%靠门票 It was like 25 percent dancing, 50 percent marketing. -什么

 -麦克把它高价卖♥♥出了 - What? - Eh, Mike sold it up real nice. 你忘掉 25%的利润怎么样 How about you"re forgetting 25 percent more genius? -真聪明



 麦克 - Genius, Kid. - How we do tonight, Mikey? 快到 2500 吧 Uh, it"s a little under $2500. 那也比上周多了 400 了 Uh, that"s 400 better than last week. 那还真管用 That"ll work. -把我的门票扣除


 长官 - And my, uh, cut of the door. - Yes, sir. 你今晚那招真险 That was dangerous shit you pulled tonight... 那样就把那孩子丢到台上 throwing that kid out on the plank like that. 但成功了

 不是吗 It worked though, didn"t it? 操

 直到他踏上舞台 Shit. I didn"t know if it was, 我才知道成功了 till he hit the floor. 他做到了 He pulled it out. 他什么出身 Yeah. What"s his story? 不知道

 今天在工地认识他 I don"t know. I mean, I met him at the site today. 然后在易博市碰到 Ran into him at Ybor. 那儿的两个小美妞 Those two little pretty ones over there 火♥辣♥待勾搭 were all hot and bothered, 所以我想该带他一起来 so I figured I"d bring him along. 真是个好动机 It was a good move. 他也许是可造之才呢


 帅气 He may have something, brother. He"s young, good-looking.... 他一点都不会跳舞 He can"t dance for shit. 一点也不会跳

 这可以调♥教♥ Cannot dance for shit, that is teachable. 我们的团队该多些新鲜血液 We could use some more youth on the team. 要不明天带他去训练 Why don"t you bring him to 看看他有什么能耐 practice tomorrow and we"ll see what he"s got? 所以

 迈阿密怎么样了 So, what the fuck is going on with Miami? 迈阿密

 看起来是好 Miami, ah, is looking good. 还得再钻一些法律的空子 I got a couple loopholes I got to get through... 跟房♥地♥产♥律师们 with the, uh, real-estate attorneys. 但那之后就畅通无阻了 But after that it"s gonna be all green lights. 你需要我做什么

 我该选谁 What you need from me? What"s my side? 继续你现在的就好 Just keep doing what you"re doing. 我喜欢你的头脑

 你很专注 I love where your head"s at. You"re focused. 你是这团队的核心 You"re like a big brother to this team. 坚持吧

 你会赚得盆满钵盈 Keep that up, you could be making a lot more than door money. 我跟你保证 I guarantee you that. 这次两边都来

 好吗 Both ways this time, though, right? -两边


 公平 - Two-way street. - I want to hear you say the word: Equity. -公

 -说啊 - E-Q-... - Say it. -平

 -说啊 - U-I-T-Y. - Say it. -麦克

 -怎么 - Hey, Mike. - Huh? 我想 I think, uh.... 我们该当铁杆兄弟 I think we should be best friends. 好的 Okay. 走吧 Let"s go. 你把那姑娘的嘴填得有多满 So how pregnant did you get that girl"s mouth? 都流出来了 Uh, wet? 真他♥娘♥的♥棒 That"s fucking great. 早上好 Good morning. -你好


 -你好 - Hi, sis. - Hi. 布鲁克

 这是麦克 Brooke, this is Mike, 谢谢


 这是布鲁克 Oh, thank you. Mike, this is Brooke. -布鲁克


 -麦克 - Brooke. Absolute pleasure. Hi. - Mike. 你是护士吗 Are you a nurse? 医务助理

 处理护士的文书档案 I"m a medical assistant. I process nurses" paperwork. 酷毙了 Way cooler. 确实

 确实 Sure. Sure. 真棒


 这是复古的 Oh, nice, dude. Is this one of 韦克菲尔德

 还是拉瑟尔·赖特 those retro Wakefield, or is this a Russel Wright? 仿制的

 但还是好酷 Oh, it"s a knock-off. That"s cool, though. 在哪儿买♥♥的 Where did you get this? 显然是个卖♥♥假货的地儿 Uh, apparently the knock-off place. 也对 Heh, right. 所以你怎么认识我弟弟的 So how do you know my brother? 他跟我一个屋顶工小组 Uh, he"s on my roofing crew. 但我也做点小生意 But I"m, uh, an entrepreneur, though. 经营着一些事业 I, uh, manage a few businesses. 当然 Sure. 当然


 很好 Sure, cool. Cool. 小♥逼♥孩说了点早餐的事 So the Kid said something about breakfast. 他肯定是喝太多了 Uh, well, he must be fucking drunk 我才不做该死的早餐呢 because I don"t cook no fucking breakfast. 没说你做早餐 I wasn"t talking about you cooking it. 他只说你喜欢早餐食品 He just said you like breakfast food. 希望我们可以在去吃早餐路上 We were going to swing by... 做点什么 I hope on the way... 好了

 聊得愉快 Okay uh, good talk. 我就出去 Um, you know, I"ll be outside with 跟其他早餐爱好者待着了 the rest of the breakfast lovers of the world. 好了

 小♥逼♥孩 All right, Kid. 那晚的处♥女♥秀

 下不为例 Virgin dance the other night. No more. 处♥女♥只能破一次 You only have a cherry pop one time. 现在听着

 之前台上 Now look, you walked out on-stage, 你看上去怂透了 you looked like shit, all right? 真正吸引我眼球的是你走下台 When I saw something is when you get off-stage, 跟那小妞一对一地翻来啃去的一幕 pulled a one-on-one with that chick. 我会告诉你接下来怎么做 All right, I"ll show you what you"re gonna do next one. 现在

 来点基础的 For now, let"s go to the basics. 脱掉衣服 Take your clothes off. -现在吗


 脱掉 - Right now? - Right fucking now. Take them off. 一件也别他妈留下

 来吧 Every fucking one of them. Let"s go. 来吧

 脱啊 Let"s go. Take off. 等下


 你到底在干嘛 - Heh. - Hang on. No no no. What the fuck are you doing? 你是什么

 更衣间里的小屁孩吗 Heh, what are you, a 12-year-old in the locker room? 不是 No. 那你在搞什么 Then what the fuck are you doing? 他妈的脱衣服...

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