

子弹有三种杀人方式 A bullet will kill you three ways. 第一种

 打中手足 The first way: extremities. 没打中主动脉

 10 到 20 分钟 Miss a major artery and you got 10 to 20 minutes 才会流血致死 before you bleed out. 第二种


 胸口 The second way: anywhere in the tens, center chest. 子弹会翻滚

 造成骨头碎裂 The bullet will tumble, lots of bone to splinter, 心脏或者动脉被击中 the heart or the arteries get hit, 血压掉到 0 blood pressure drops to zero. 最后一种

 致命一击 The final way is the kill shot. 仸何角度正中大脑 Middle of the skull, any angle. 就像牵线木偶的线断了 Like a marionette with the strings cut, 大脑还没反应过来你就死了 you"re dead before your brain can process what happened. 枪能改变一切 Guns change everything, 一颗子弹便是永恒 and a bullet is forever. 放轻松 Easy, easy. 我不是来伤害你的 I"m not here to hurt you. 好了 Yeah, there you go. 只是给你注射预防感染的药物 Just a little something in case you get an infection. 一天时间就好了 Be good to go in a day. 那匹狼是我们的 Hey, that wolf is ours. 它也许不同意 She might have a different opinion. 你对它做了什么 What did you do to it? 注射镇定剂

 以便我拆除捕兽器 Tranquilizer, so I could get that trap off. 这是什么枪 What you got there? 你在干什么 What the hell are you doing? 我猜猜

 你是牙医 Let me guess, dentist? 正牙医生 Orthodontist. 关这个什么事 What does that have to do with anything? 点 223 雷明顿 .223 Remington. 3.56♥4♥克 55 grain? 你们不知道我在说什么

 是吧 You guys have no idea what I"m talking about, do you? 沃尔玛的店员应该告诉你们的 The kid at Walmart who sold you this crap should"ve told you. 这颗子弹不足以 This bullet isn"t powerful enough 干掉比松鼠更大的动物 to take down anything bigger than a squirrel. 这把呢 How "bout this one? 你觉得这把的威力足够吗 You think it has enough stopping power for you? 华盛顿州禁止捕杀狼 Washington State doesn"t allow trap hunting of wolves. 就算这是吅法的 But, even if it was legal, 这样杀害动物太损了 it"s a bullshit way to kill an animal like that. 如果要打猎

 至少要给动物一个机会 If you"re gonna hunt, at least give the animal a chance. 我们今天不给机会

 混♥蛋♥ Well, we ain"t giving out chances today, asshole. 看看动弹不得时被猎捕什么感觉 See how you like being hunted when you can"t move. 生 死 狙 击 生 死 狙 击 第一季

 第一集 爸爸 Daddy! 妈妈

 爸爸回家了 Mama, Daddy"s home! 他回家了 He"s home? 对呀 Yeah. 有给我留晚餐吗

 小猫鼠 You save me any dinner, kitten-mouse? 妈妈说你会带晚餐回来的 Mom said you were supposed to be bringing dinner. 妈妈

 爸爸没带晚餐回来 Mom, Dad didn"t get dinner. 什么

 你觉得他是在逗你玩吗 What? Do you think maybe he"s pulling your leg? 我不知道

 也许吧 I don"t know. Maybe? 希望是吧 Yeah, let"s hope so. 我找到了 I found it. 下来拿给你妈妈 Come on down and get it for your mom. 去拿吧 Go grab it. 我去把工具放好 I gotta put my tools away. 好的

 亲爱的 Okay, honey. 都齐了吧 I got it all, right? 你喜欢的香橙鸡

 蛋卷 Your orange chicken, egg rolls, 外加一份酸甜酱 and an extra sweet and sour sauce. 我看见了 Yeah. I did see that. 我挺意外的 I"m surprised though. 你去打猎了一整天 You know, you went hunting all day, 给我带回的却只有中餐外卖♥♥ and all you shot me was Chinese takeout, huh? 我本来发现了猎物的

 不过射偏了 I had something, but I missed. 胡扯 Bullshit. 你从不射偏

 鲍勃·李 You don"t miss, Bob Lee. 想你了 Missed you. 感谢主赐予我们的礼物 Bless us, oh, Lord, for these thy gifts, 我们将要收到的 which we"re about to receive, 来自主的礼物 from thy bounty through Christ our Lord. 阿门 Amen. 很好


 我觉得这是你说得最好的一次祷告 Good job, honey. I think that was your best grace yet. 你每晚都这么说 You say that every night. 是啊

 对吗 He does, doesn"t he? 因为你越说越好了 "Cause you keep getting better. -给你

 -你一个人在山上不无聊吗 - There you go. - Don"t you get bored all alone up there? 无聊 Bored? 在美丽的大自然

 动物和植物的陪伴下 How could I get bored in all that beautiful nature 我怎么会无聊 and animals and plants? 在那里可以做很多事 And there"s a million things to do out there. 可是那里没有网络 But there"s no Internet. 没错 Exactly. 要的就是这效果 That"s the whole point. 所以那里才是爸爸的欢乐圣地 That"s why it"s Daddy"s happy place. 睡觉时间到 Up the wooden hill. 该睡觉了 It is time for bed. 不

 爸爸 No, Daddy. 要

 玛丽 Yes, Mary. 准备好了吗 Ready? 好了

 快躺进去 Here, get under. 先讲故事 Story first. 我...听我说 I"m-- you know what? 你妈妈很想让我陪陪她 Your mommy really wants me to spend some time with her. 明天讲故事可以吗 Can we do story tomorrow? 拜托


 爸爸 Please, please, please, Daddy. 好吧 Okay. -你想听什么

 -坎大哈的故事 - What do you wanna hear? - Kandahar! 宝贝

 坎大哈的故事要讲很久 Oh, honey, Kandahar takes too long. 提克里特的呢 Tikrit? 好吧

 巴士拉 Fine, Basrah. 巴士拉 Basrah. 这故事你都听了六遍了 You"ve heard this one, like, six times. 那就再讲一次 Then this will make seven. 好吧 All right. 我们在追捕巴桑·阿尔阿米尼 So we"re going after Basan Al Amini. 只有一支小队 We got a small squad. 我和唐尼当时在侦察 Donny and I were on recon. 用夜视仪吗 Night vision? 我们不用夜视仪

 我们可是海军陆战队 We don"t need night vision. We"re Marines. 永远忠诚 Semper Fi. 永远忠诚 Semper Fi. 你怎么不耍套功夫把它劈开 Why don"t you just use your Kung Fu to break it? 那不叫功夫

 小猫鼠 It"s not called Kung Fu, Mouse. 不是用来劈木头的 It"s not for cutting wood. 那是谁

 爸爸 Who"s that, Daddy? 去给爸爸倒杯橙汁吧 Can you go get Daddy an OJ? 拜托了 Please? 快去 Go on. 你在避车道上停了大概有一个小时 You"ve been parked up at the turnout for about an hour. 想让我紧张吗 Trying to make me nervous? 还以为狙击手不会紧张 I thought snipers didn"t get nervous? 我说的是"想" I said trying. 很高兴见到你

 射击军士 It"s good to see you, Gunny. 我也是

 约翰逊上校 You too, Captain Johnson. 虽然找你费了不少功夫 Even though you were hard to track down. 但你找不到更偏远的地方了吗 Couldn"t find any place more remote? 我不讨厌世人

 我喜欢看他们过来 I don"t mind people. I just like to see "em coming. 你气色不错

 鲍勃·李 You look good, Bob Lee. 髋关节还好吧 How"s the hip? 一时半会儿上不了"太阳马戏团" Don"t think I"ll be in Cirque Du Soleil anytime soon, 但还凑吅 but getting by. 你是来变旧的还是跟特工处有关 Is this a friendly call or Secret Service business? 你的领针 Your lapel pin. 这是身份标识

 对吧 That"s color of the day, right? 靠

 真是什么都躲不过你的法眼 Damn, you really don"t miss a thing, do you? 看来前海军陆战队狙击手 Turns out a guy who ran snipers for the Corps 还是有点价值的 actually has some value. 我现在在总统先遣队工作 I"m on the President"s advance team. 好吧 All right. 能找个地方私下聊聊吗 You got a place we could talk, privately? 好

 这下面 Yeah, it"s down here. 看来你还是个感性的民♥主♥党人啊 I see you are still a bleeding heart liberal. 你永远不知道何时会出现变故 You never know when shit"s gonna get weird. 有什么要帮忙的吗

 上校 What can I do for you, Captain? 下面的对话我们要当没发生过 This is gonna be one of those conversations we never had. 十天前

 一名中情局特工 Ten days ago, a CIA agent was killed 在弗吆尼亚的塞内卡国家森林被杀 in Seneca State Forest, Virginia. 狙击手所为 He was shot by a sniper. 藏匿点约在 1200 米以外 We found the hide 1,400 yards away. -我♥操♥

 -没有多次射击的证据 - Damn. - No evidence of multiple shots. 我♥操♥

 1200 米 Damn, 1,400 yards. 一枪毙命

 不得失手 One shot, so he couldn"t afford to miss. 有很多树 Lots of trees. 走三步

 目标就会被树冠遮住吧 Three steps and the target would be behind the canopy, right? 伤口看着不像点 50 造成的 That doesn"t look like a .50 cal. 子弹显示是点 338 .338 based on the slug. 好

 那么... All right, so... 从约 1200 米外开枪横穿树林 3/4-mile shot through the woods. 会受湿度

 植被影响 You got humidity, vegetation, 连地球自转都得考虑进去 hell, even the rotation of the Earth could be a factor. 这人是个高手 Boy"s a shooter. 对

 他确实是个高手 Oh, yeah, he"s a shooter all right. 这是写给总统的 This was written to the President. 上面写着 21 天后总统会在 It states that in 21 days he"ll be executed 西雅图科学与机器人中心被处决 at the Seattle Science and Robotic Center. 我引用信中的内容 The letter says, and I quote, "我是死亡天使

 没人能阻挡我" "I am the angel of death. No one can stop me." 我们相信这是 T·索罗托夫所为 We believe this is from T. Solotov. 索罗托夫 Solotov? 你♥他♥妈♥是在逗我吗 Are you f---ing kidding me? 没有 No. 车♥臣♥的狙击手来弗吆尼亚州做什么 What the hell is a Chechen sniper doing in Virginia? 不知道

 而且现在我也不在乎 I don"t know and right now I don"t care. 我的工作是保护总统 My job is to protect the President. 这也是我来这的原因 That"s why I"m here. 我要去看看我女儿 I gotta check on my daughter. 这世界上能从 1200 米开外的地方 There"s only a handful of shooters in the world 射杀目标的狙击手屈指可数 who would take a shot from 3/4 of a mile away, 能一枪爆头的更是少中又少

 你是其中之一 much less a headshot, and make it, and you"re one of "em. 所以我需要你帮助我阻止他 That"s why I need your help to stop him. 你身边不乏能人 You got plenty of smart guys around you. 你得理解 You gotta understand. 每天总统都面临着成百上千的威胁 We get hundreds of threats a day against the President. 我没有人力物力在我们的三层保护范围之外 I don"t have the resources to scout a shot 460 米远的地方去搜寻一名狙击手 taken 500 yards outside of our tier-three perimeter. 没错

 我手下是有几个人 Yeah, I got a handful of guys, 但没人比得上你 but no one like you. 爸爸

 我们得在妈妈回家之前把走廊修好 Daddy, we gotta finish the porch before Mommy gets home. 好


 亲爱的 Yeah, I"ll be right there, honey. 你也看见了

 我有点忙 As you can see, I"m kind of busy. 你怎么了

 射击中士 What happened to you, Gunny? 我在求助你

 总统在求助你 I"m asking for your help. The President is asking. 听我说

 兄弟 Look, man... 唐尼被击中

 没人怪你 nobody blames you for Donny getting shot, 你得放下这事向前看 but you gotta put that shit behind you and move on. 我已经向前看了

 上校 I"ve moved on, Captain. 你的国家需要你


 Your country needs you, Bob Lee. 他想要什么 What did he want? 没什么

 宝贝 Ah, nothing, baby. 水疗中心 抓住他

 别弄出动静 Go get him. Quietly. 好了


 可以行动了 All right, gentlemen, that"s a green light. 收到 Copy that. 快点


 还要多久 Come on, Mikey, how much longer? 这没看起来那么简单 This is not as easy as it looks. 我需要你搞快点 I need it to be. 搞定 Got it. 未知号♥码 我们到了

 在后门 联邦调查局

 所有人趴下 FBI! Everybody down! 你们来干什么 What the hell are you guys doing here? 迪米特里 Dimitri? 嘿

 迪米特里 Hey, Dimitri! 迪米特里 Dimitri! -你还好吗

 -联邦调查局 - How you doing? - FBI! 国土安♥全♥局♥

 我们先来的 Homeland, we got here first. 你能把那玩意对着别的地方吗 Could you point that thing somewhere else? 钻石是永恒的 闭嘴 Shut up. 搞什么 What? 不是吧

 你们装进面包车的 Oh, come on, that"s six months of work 是我们忙活了 6 个月的成果 you"re loading into that van. 你叫什么名字

 探员 What"s your name, Agent? 天

 你们国安局的人简直不可理喻 Oh, my God, you Homeland guys are unbelievable. 至少先让我和他谈谈吧 I mean, at least let me talk to him first. 我猜你已经给华盛顿州融吅中心打过电♥话♥ I assume you called the Washington State Fusion Center 报告了你的行动计划 got your ops plan on the war-board? 好让其它联邦机构不会来干涉你 So that no other federal agency would step on your toes? 艾萨克·约翰逊

 特工处 Isaac Johnson, Secret Service. 请接通局长 Let me get the admin on call. 我遇到个管辖权问题 I"m having a jurisdictional issue. 等等

 我根本没来得及给他们报告 Wait, wait, I didn"t have time to get it on the war-board. 不管怎么说

 他对我有价值 Regardless, he"s my asset. 至少告诉我你为什么抓他 At least tell me why you took him. 你为什么想要他 Why do you want him? 他跟我说他有时间敏感的情报 He told me he had time-sensitive Intel. 关于什么的情报 Intel on what? 沃丁经营着一个非法的进口生意 Voydian runs an illegal import business. 你知道吗

 我有个新想法 You know what? I got a novel idea. 为什么我们不联手呢 I mean, why don"t we work together, you know? 联邦调查局


 国土安♥全♥局♥ FBI, Secret Service, Homeland, 我们都是一边的

 不是吗 we"re all on the same side, right? 并不是

 给我看看你的警徽 No. Let me see your shield. 孟菲斯探员 Agent Memphis. 你是说你因为调查非法进口而误打误撞查到了 So you cowboy into a known Russian mob establishment 一个著名俄♥罗♥斯♥黑帮吗 over illegal imports? 你以为不只是黑帮这么简单 Oh, you thought it was something bigger? 是


 我想我猜得没错 Yeah, well, guess I was right since you just snatched him up. 你能告诉我为什么吗 You gonna tell me why? 不 No. 很高兴认识你 Nice to meet you. 她睡得很死 She went down like a rock. 我们今天干活很辛苦 Well, we worked hard today. 平台看起来不错 Deck looks good. 我本想告诉你的 Hey, I was gonna tell you. 什么事 About? 约翰逊上校来过 About Captain Johnson coming by. 她抢先告诉你了 She just beat me to it. 她说他给你提供了份工作 She said he offered you a job. 恩


 一个狙击手 Yeah, he said, uh, some sniper 想要刺杀总统 made a crazy threat against the President. 他想让我帮忙排除隐患 Wanted me to help him clear it. 哪个狙击手 Sniper who? 索罗托夫吗 Solotov? 天啊 Jesus. 听我说 Listen, 我知道你不愿提起此事 I know that you don"t like to talk about this stuff, 但是我知道唐尼的遭遇 but what happened to Donny, 仍然深深地刺痛着你 I know that it still hurts you. 和我说说吧 Just let me in. 长官

 我们研究这个计划已经一个星期 We"ve been going over this plan for a week, sir. 我们准备好去抓人了 We"re ready to get after it. 车♥臣♥的狙击手有新情况吗 Status change on the Chechen sniper? 他可能无处不在或是消失了 He could be everywhere or nowhere. 不论如何

 我们都可以行动了 Either way, we"re good to go. 你知道他们是让这个混♥蛋♥来收拾你的吧 You know they brought that asshole here to nail you, right? 如果他是来阻止我用枪的

 他目的已经达到了 If he"s keeping me from getting behind my rifle, he already has. 我整天训练帮不了仸何人 I"m not doing anybody any favors PT-ing all day. 你死了也帮不了仸何人 You"re not doing any favors if you get yourself killed either. 是的

 长官 Yes, sir. 你和唐尼准备好了吗 You and Donny ready for the green light? 百分百准备好了

 长官 100%, sir. 行动吧 Consider it lit. 保持警惕 Hey, stay dangerous. 遵命

 长官 Yes, sir! 该打猎了

 猪肉 Time to hunt, Pork. 我♥操♥

 终于 Damn, finally. 计划是什么 What"s the plan? 监视三角洲 Overwatch for Delta. 要穿越四公里的山丘到第一个站点 We got a four klick hump to our number one. 四公里


 我还以为会很难 Four, that"s all? Thought this was gonna be hard. 照这个速度

 我会老死在这 At this rate, I"ma die of old age. 那是最好的死法 That"s the best way to die. 好了


 我们走 All right, get your shit in one bag and let"s go. 好的

 好的 All right, all right. 先生们

 是时候了 It"s about damn time, gentlemen. 猪肉要大展拳脚了 Pork gonna get some. 唐尼有句名言 Donny had a saying. "一颗子弹便是永恒" "A bullet is forever." 有一天我问他 And one day I"m like, "那是什么意思" "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" 他只是笑了笑


 "你会明白的" And he just smiles and says, "You"ll see." 我们在坎大哈外的石堆上 So we"re in this shitty pile of rocks outside of Kandahar. 唐尼

 慢点 Slow down, Donny. 我们听说索罗托夫在附近 We heard Solotov was nearby, 但我们在外扎营了一个星期

 什么也没发现 but we"d been camped out for, like, a week and nothing. 他可能已经从界线的一边逃走了 Could have exited from either side of the compass. 还有

 这个星期红外线传感器也没有发现 Besides, there"s been nothing on the infrared for week. 没有人能一动不动这么久 No man lays still for that long. 你想用性命打赌吗 Yeah, you wanna bet your life on that? 我是海军陆战队战士

 早已将性命压上 I"m a Marine. I"m already betting my life. 唐尼想往南走 Donny wanted to go south. 那样快些 It was faster. 直觉告诉我我们该往北走 My gut said we go north. 好吧

 往北走 All right, go north. 你是神枪手 You"re the Nailer. 说了不要这样叫我 I told you not to call me that. 我还想有人叫我酷酷的外号♥呢 I"d love it if somebody would call me something cool. 你不喜欢"猪肉"吗

 猪肉很酷啊 You don"t like Pork? Pork"s cool. 你有过三个侦察员

 你管他们都叫"猪肉" You"ve had three spotters. You called all of them Pork. 这很容易记 It"s easy to remember. 我都不喜欢培根 I don"t even like bacon. 好吧

 我先上 All right, I"m going first. 不不不 No, no, no. 我不想让你送死 I"m not making that call to your mama. 猪肉

 跟着我 After me, Pork. 我先听见枪声随后中弹 I heard it before I felt it. 索罗托夫对风判断失误

 但是他... Solotov misjudged the wind, but he... 重新计算后

 开了第二枪 recalculated for a second shot. 唐尼

 不要过来 Donny, no! 倒下前就死了 He was dead before he fell. 唐尼 Donny! 唐尼说得有道理 Donny was right. 一颗子弹便是永恒 A bullet is forever. 他死是因我相信了我的直觉 He died because I trusted my gut. 不

 不是的 No, he didn"t. 他是被索罗托夫射杀的 He died because Solotov shot him. 那不是你的错 That wasn"t your fault. 听着 Look... 我爱你 I love you, 我永远不会告诉你该怎么活 and I would never tell you how to live your life, 但要放下这件事的最好方法是... but maybe the best way to put this behind you... 以牙还牙 is pay back the favor. 杀了索罗托夫 Punch Solotov"s ticket. 如果我的直觉错了怎么办 And what if my instincts are wrong? 你就调整你的数据

 再次开枪 Then you adjust your dope and you fire again. 我就喜欢你说话时如此性感 I love it when you talk sexy. 证明给我看 Prove it. 杰克·佩恩

 这是鲍勃·李·斯威格 Jack Payne, Bob Lee Swagger. 佩恩是反恐组的

 他对索罗托夫很熟悉 Payne"s Counter-terrorism. He"s our Solotov expert 你的文书还在审批中

 但我不想浪费时间 Your paperwork is still moving, but I don"t wanna lose a day. 我们把这看做一个现实的威胁 We consider this a real threat. 汽车队在那停下 Motorcade stops there. 政要和贵宾们在隔离线旁 Dignitaries and special visitors at the rope line. 他会握手吗 He"ll shake a few hands? 会

 但我们会保护好他的 Yeah, but we got that covered. 特工们分散在他身边还有人群中 Agents around him and in the crowd. 从车走到讲台大概要 15 秒 Consider it 15 seconds from the Beast to the podium. 他的身后你准备如何设防 How are you protecting his six? 他身后有三层防弹板保护 Triple thick bulletproof backdrop behind him. 可以阻挡一切 It"ll stop anything. 他和乌克兰总统一起现身 He presents with the Ukrainian president, 然后会一起进去参观 then they take a tour inside. 既然索罗托夫警告你们了

 为什么不取消活动 Since Solotov warned you, why not cancel? 如果每次收到可信威胁都要取消活动的话 If we cancelled every credible threat we got, 总统将无法踏出白宫半步 he"d never leave the White House. 他们定行程


 这是规矩 They schedule him, I secure him. That"s the drill. 就算我们能改变行程

 我们想抓获索罗托夫 Even if we could move it, we want Solotov, 所以如果他会现身

 那我们就找到其藏身地 so if he"s gonna be here, let"s figure out where. 行经路线会在前一天 Now, Flashlight"s route won"t be made public 才公之于众

 所以... till the day before, so... 他无须知道路线 He doesn"t need to know the route. 因为终点已知 He knows where it ends. 他是不会射击总统的轿车 He"s not gonna take a shot at the President"s limo. 那车坚不可摧 It might as well be a tank. 索罗托夫不会冒仸何风险 Solotov"s not gonna take any chances. 如果要杀人 If he"s hunting, 他会等到最佳时机才进行射击 he"s gonna wait for his shot and it"ll be perfect. 这就是为什么我需要你

 鲍勃·李 And that"s exactly why I need you Bob Lee. 你是唯一可以干掉他的人 You"re the only one who can neutralize him. 我需要一次详细完整的检查 I need a complete workup. 射击距离

 可能藏身地点等一切 Distances, location possibilities, everything. 我们也有很多高科技设备 We"ve got some nice range tech, too. 我可以给你安排 I can set you up. 在他的子弹出膛前 Without firing his rifle, 大部分都只是凭经验所作的猜测而已 most of it"ll be educated guessing. 天

 鲍勃·李 Shit, Bob Lee, 凭你经验所作的猜测比大多数人都准 your educated guess is better than most. 我们在 12 小时前收到这个 We got these 12 hours ago. 见一见 T·索罗托夫 Say hello to T. Solotov. 这是已知的他唯一一张照片 That"s the only known photo of him, 是在苏丹上空由无人机拍摄的 taken from a drone over the Sudan. 本来无人机不会飞经那里 Drone wasn"t even supposed to be there. 无人机驾驶员在回程时选择观景路线 The pilot was taking the scenic route home, 无意拍到的 caught it by accident. 赛博-福斯特狙击步♥枪♥底架 改造过的赛博-福斯特 Modified Saber-Forsst. -我去

 -我们根据照片还原的 - Damn. - We rebuilt it from the photo. 连他定制的光学瞄准镜都还原出来了 Right down to his custom optics. ASW338 狙击步♥枪♥ 我们会发给你 We"ll ship it to you. 拿到弹♥药♥后我马上开始射击 All right, I"ll get the ammo and start shooting right away. 过几天我再跟你们汇报 I"ll check in in a couple days. 越快越好 Sooner the better. 他就是神枪手鲍勃吗 So that"s the great Bob the Nailer, huh? 看起来可不太像 He don"t seem like much. 在阿富汗有一所女子学校 There was this, uh, girls" school in Afghanistan, 位于朱柏尔以南 4.8 公里处 three miles south of Jupar. 鲍勃·李和侦察员在执行侦察仸务期间 Bob Lee and his spotter were alone doing recon 发现一群塔♥利♥班♥分子正在逼近学校 when they saw a platoon of Taliban bearing down on the school. 你知道在阿富汗

 塔♥利♥班♥分子会如何对待 You know what the Taliban does to young girls in Afghanistan 想要接受教育的女孩 trying to get an education. 鲍勃·李和他的侦察员本可以视而不见 Bob Lee and his spotter could have simply moved on. 没人会知道他们当时在那 No one would have ever known they were there. 但是 Instead, 他与 200 名塔♥利♥班♥分子对战了 46 小时 he took on 200 Taliban over 46 hours. 不断移♥动♥

 不断射击 Moving and shooting. 不吃不睡

 一直追击 Didn"t sleep, didn"t eat, just hunted. 干掉 51 人

 全是高♥官♥ 51 kills, all command level. 那个女子学校 And that girls" school? 今天还在 It"s still there to this day. 塔♥利♥班♥不敢靠近 Taliban won"t go near it. 他们说那里被诅咒了 They say it"s cursed. 低估鲍勃·李·斯威格后果自负 Underestimate Bob Lee Swagger at your own peril. 他是真正的高手 He"s the real deal. 纳丁

 占用点你时间行吗 Nadine, can I see you a minute? 我跟特工处的一个朊友聊过了 I had a nice chat with a friend at the Secret Service. 长官

 那些国安局的人 Sir, those Homeland guys are always yelling national security 每次抢人就会打出国♥家♥安♥全♥牌 whenever they"re snaking a bust. 我给迪米特里·沃丁做了六个月的工作 I worked Dimitri Voydian for six months. 你知道他是俄♥罗♥斯♥联邦安♥全♥局♥的吗 Did you know he was Russian FSB? 国安局的人今早发过来的 Sent over this morning courtesy of Homeland. 俄方称就在你们刚认识时 Russia said he was disavowed 他被开除了 right around the time you two met. 他当时负责保障给我们提供敌对黑帮情报的 He was handling security for a small sect of the Bratva 松采沃兄弟会一个小分支的安全 feeding us Intel on rival gangs. 纳丁

 如果被外界发现联调局在帮一个俄♥罗♥斯♥间谍 Nadine, if it got out that the FBI was helping a Russian spy... 国安局帮了我们的忙 Homeland did us a favor. 沃丁给我打了电♥话♥ Look, Voydian called me, 说他有会让他陷入生命危险的情报 said he had information that was gonna get him killed. 他说他只愿意给我 He said he would only give it to me. 他很绝望 He was desperate. 这鸟事的麻烦还不够多吗 Like I don"t have enough trouble with this mess? 现在你又想我启动新的调查 And now you want to open a new investigation 就因为你觉得你丢人了 because you got egg on your face? 坐下 Sit down. 帮我个忙 Do me a favor. 做点你平时不会做的事 Do something you don"t normally do. 听我的话

 别掺和到 Listen to me and do not get involved 这次沃丁的事里

 这是命令 in this Voydian mess. That"s an order. 你说得对 You"re right. 你给了我很多次机会 You"ve given me multiple chances. 我不该这样要求你

 抱歉 You deserve better. I"m sorry. 打住

 你不擅长这个 Stop, you"re not any good at that. -擅长什么

 -拍马屁 - At what? - Kissing ass. 既然你这么喜欢和特工处吅作 Oh, and since you"re so happy to work with the Secret Service, 他们寄来了这个 they sent this. 总统到访意味着他们把潜在威胁 President"s visit means they prioritize potential threats 按优先顺序分成了三档 into three groups. 这些是 C 档 Those are the Charlies. 也就是威胁最小的 So the least threatening. 多数情况下

 就是仸何有邮箱账号♥的疯子 Mainly, any wacko with an email account. 如果有谁看着不对劲 If someone seems off, 发给我

 我会发给他们 send it to me and I"ll pass it along. 还有

 这些档案得被清除 Oh, and they need to be cleared. 纳丁 Oh, and Nadine? 我知道你在尽力

 我很感激 I know you"re trying. I appreciate it, 但你需要再尽力一点 but you need to try harder. 这些是弹♥药♥

 祝你打鸟顺利 Here are the shells. Good luck with the bird. 很高兴见到你

 鲍勃·李 Good to see you, Bob Lee. 你的固定订单已经准备好了 Got your regular order right here. 今天不要


 我在试一把新的步♥枪♥ Not today, Henry. I"m trying out a new rifle. 你有点 338 拉普马格南子弹吗 You got any .338 Lapua Magnum? 当然有 Sure we do. 我还要一些发射药和点 338 子弹 Might need some powder and some .338 bullets too. 没问题 We"ll take care of that. 风速

 每小时两英里 每秒 78 米 米 斯莱特酒店 点 A 地点 B 停车场 B 地点 C 船屋 地点 C 1445 米 地点 C 米 1445 米 我知道他会怎么做了 I know how he"s gonna do it. 万福马利亚

 充满恩典 Hail Mary, full of grace, 主与你同在 the Lord is with thee. 你在妇女中是有福的 Blessed art thou among women, 你所怀的胎也是有福的

 耶稣 and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. 圣母玛利亚 Holy Mary, Mother of God, 为我们这些罪人祈祷 pray for us sinners, 从现在直到死亡

 阿门 now and at the hour of our death. Amen. 你想见面 说个地点 这情报最好有价值

 孟菲斯探员 This better be good, Agent Memphis. 明天我们需要铲除 100 个不同的威胁 We"ve got 100 different threats to clear by tomorrow. 我做了些调查 I did some looking around, 我觉得我发现了什么 and I think I"m onto something. 你有什么情报

 探员 What you got for me, Agent? 我知道沃丁以前是俄♥罗♥斯♥联邦安♥全♥局♥的 I know Voydian was FSB. 我不确定这是否跟你的调查有关 I wasn"t sure if it was tied to your investigion, 尤其是总统即将造访 especially with the upcoming presidential visit. 你本可以只让联调局参与进来

 为什么找我 You could have kept this FBI, why"d you call me? 感觉会有所帮助 Figured it"d be helpful. 还有你想离开西雅图办事处 And you want to get out of the Seattle Field Office. 我看过你的档案 I read your file. 你在乌班卡银行射伤了一名人♥质♥ You shot a hostage at the Umbauqa Bank. 那次射击是正确的选择

 我为此已经还债够多了 It was a good shooting, and I"ve more than paid for it. 行

 孟菲斯探员 All right, Agent Memphis. 我回到局里后会让我的人联&arts;系♥你 I"ll have my office reach out when I get back to D. 钻石 看能不能给你找个位置 See if we can find you some room. 如果你的发现有价值的话 If whatever you found is worth something. 谢谢你

 长官 Thank you, sir. 钻石是永恒的 我最近一次和沃丁联♥系♥时 The last time Voydian and I talked, 他很紧张

 绝不是进口生意这么简单 he was nervous about something. It was bigger than imports. 在你们带走他之前

 他给我留下了信息 Before you guys took him away, he left information for me. 他藏在了一间按♥摩♥房♥里 He hid it in one of the massage rooms. 全部由同一个记者所写 They"re all written by the same journalist, 卡丽娜·奥尔登科 Karlyna Ordenko. 我的乌克兰语不太好

 但是 Now, my Ukrainian isn"t great, but... 是关于一个叫格拉斯约尔的城市 something about a city called Graznyole. 据她称

 俄♥罗♥斯♥准备 According to her, the Russians are getting ready 筹划一件大事 to stage something big. 总统的汽车队在 12:34 进入杀伤区 The President"s motorcade enters the kill zone at 12:34... 从第四街出去

 然后在停车前进入避车道 Off 4th and then onto the turnout before coming to a stop. 他会下车 He"ll exit the Beast, 乌克兰总统在其身后 followed by the Ukrainian president, 握几个人的手

 然后走上讲台 shake a few hands, then make his way to the podium 他会讲话大约 7 分钟 where he"ll speak for approximately seven minutes. 对狙击手来说相当于 7 年 Might as well be seven years for a sniper. 知道总统所处的具体♥位♥置 Knowing exactly where the President will be standing 给了索罗托夫近乎无敌的优势 gives Solotov an advantage that"s almost unbeatable. 要求你的团队增加双倍或三倍强度的安保 It"s gonna have your team doubling, tripling security, 覆盖每一个攻击角度 covering every angle of attack, 所以他不会在那儿射击 which is why he"s not gonna take the shot there. 他会在这射击 He"s gonna take the shot here, 在他下车的那一刻 the moment he gets out of his limo. 不


 这不可能 No, Swagger, that-- that"s not possible. 让他继续

 佩恩 Let him continue, Payne. 人头的周长大概为 56 厘米 The human head is roughly 22 inches in circumference. 轿车和隔离线的距离为 2.7 米 The gap from his limo to the rope line is 3 yards. 以总统的步法需要走 2.5 步 President"s gait makes that 2 1/2 steps. 在 914 米的距离

 枪手有近两秒的时间 At 1,000 yards, the shooter has almost two full seconds 射击 to make the shot. 毫无悬念这是最佳地点 It is the best location hands down. 索罗托夫不会在那射击 Solotov"s not gonna take that shot. 因为你会放入一面巨大的国旗作障碍 Because you"re moving in a giant flag as an obstruction. 挂在丹尼路对面的吇车上 Hanging from a crane across Denny Way. 这是机密

 你怎么知道的 That was classified. How"d you find out? 和索罗托夫的方式一样

 自己做功课 The same way Solotov will, by doing my homework. 在这个停车场上

 距离 1280 米 On top of this parking garage, at 1,400 yards, 他和汽车队之间没有障碍 he has no obstructions to the motorcade stop, 但他得迅速射击 but he"s gotta shoot fast. 他可以提前把支架调整到准确高度 He can pre-rig the mount to the exact height 只要他停留在正确的位置 as long as he stops in the right spot. 他不可能逃得掉的

 我们在空中和地面都有人 No way he"s getting away. We"ve got air, ground. 他跑不出两步 He wouldn"t get ten feet. 而索罗托夫从没射击过移♥动♥中的目标 And Solotov has no history of mobile hits. 不管你觉得你了解索罗托夫多少 Whatever you think you know about Solotov, 他绝对更了解你 he knows ten times about you. 他是狙击大♥师♥ He"s a master sniper. 他在人类创造出的最糟糕的 The guy has worked in the worst conditions 环境中待过

 在各种猛烈炮火下 mankind has ever created, under all kinds of heavy fire 只有一个目的

 干掉他的目标 with one goal: to kill his target. 他了解本次活动的窗口时间 He knows the window around the event, 他了解特工处的日程安排 he knows the Secret Service schedule, 他了解周围 he knows the perimeters, 他还了解在什么时间射击 and he knows the exact moment to take the shot, 他会从这射击 and he"s gonna take it from here. 1445 米 1,580 yards, 从瞄准线到达总统需要整整 3 秒 line of sight to the President for a full three seconds, 时间够宽裕

 所以风不成影响 wide enough so the wind won"t be a surprise. 索罗托夫在这低点射击 Got Solotov here shooting low, 背后有阳光

 所以目标会很清楚 sunlight behind him so the target"s well lit. 你还没听到枪声他就已经离开了 He"ll be out the door before you hear the shot. 但他不会隔着玻璃射击 But he won"t shoot through glass. 会影响轨道 It"ll screw with trajectory. 用小型带导线炸♥弹♥ Small wired charges... 可以在击出子弹前瞬间打破窗户 will break the window timed to the shot. 等人们听到玻璃声时已经为时已晚 No one"ll hear the glass until it"s too late. 到时的情况就会是这样 That"s how it"s gonna go down. 总统感谢你的帮忙 The President appreciates you jumping in. 如果你有空

 我知道他想亲自答谢你 If you"re available, I know he"d like to thank you peonally. 这个就不必了

 上校 That won"t be necessary, Captain. -很乐意帮助

 -相信我 - I"m happy to help. - Trust me. 他不接受拒绝 He won"t take "No" For an answer. 佩恩

 召集你的人 Payne, get your team ready. 你们可以在这准备 You guys can prep here. -我会抓到开枪打你的人


 长官 - I"m gonna get the man who shot you, Bob Lee. - Yes, sir. 有事吗 Something wrong? 没

 我一定是忘关灯了 No, I must have left the light on. -给

 -好嘞 - Here. - Okay. Yep. 我去关灯 I"m gonna go turn it off. 你收到我的 C 档名单了吗 Hey, did you get my Charlie list? 3 个名字

 昨晚已经上交了 Three names. Passed "em on last night. 怎么了 Something wrong? 名单里有个人 Yeah, there was one guy on the list, 前海军陆战队队员

 感觉有问题 ex-Marine, seemed off. 我没看到谁是海军陆战队的啊 I didn"t see any Marine. 只是那个 It"s just that he was-- 他被划为 C 档很奇怪 it was odd that he was being considered a Charlie. 他的记录没有一点问题 His record was completely clean, sparkling. 嗯 Yeah. 总之

 你要去参加这活动吗 Anyway, you going to this thing? 不

 我已经见过总统了 No, I"ve met the President. 他们说在外♥围♥需要人手 Um, they say they need bodies on the outer perimeter. -你想帮忙吗

 -我还有很多事 - You wanna help out?...

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