

你在这儿 There you are. 我一直在找你 I"ve been looking for you. 你看见我另一只鞋了吗 Have you seen my other shoe? 恋恋书中人 怎么了 What? 怎么了 What? 你干嘛这么看着我 Why are you looking at me like that? 尿尿去 Go potty. 斯科蒂 Scotty. 快点


 斯科蒂 Come on, boy. Scotty. 尿啊

 斯科蒂 Go potty, Scotty. 别这么看着我 Don"t look at me like that. 你好 Yes? 开始一天的好方法

 不是吗 Great way to start the day, right? 我觉得我快吐了 I think I"m gonna puke. 妈妈说你上周约会来着

 怎么样 Mom said you went on a date last week. How"d it go? 凑吅 It was okay. "凑吅"是指上♥床♥了吗 "Okay" as in you got laid? -哈利

 -干嘛 - Harry. - What? 她听不见你说什么 She can"t hear you. 难道你下半辈子不想再做♥爱♥了吗 Don"t you wanna have sex, like, ever again in your life? 想啊

 我只是觉得自己不适吅约会 Yes. I just don"t think that I"m the dating type. 女孩们想和我上♥床♥ Girls only wanna sleep with me 只是因为她们高中时读过我的书 because they read my book in high school. 所以呢 So? 所以她们不是对我感兴趣 So they"re not interested in me. 而是对我的一些想法感兴趣 They"re interested in some idea of me. 所以你才要坚持锻炼 That"s why you should keep working out. 这样

 她们就会往你身上扑了 That way, they"ll want you for your body. 练这个管什么用 what does this thing even do? 把你变得人见人爱 It turns you into a god. 继续练 Keep going. 我昨晚做了个怪梦 Hey, I had a weird dream last night. 梦见了个女孩 There was this girl and she was... 长什么样 What"d she look like? 就是个普通女孩

 我想象出来的 Just a normal girl. Just a girl I made up. 好吧

 她干什么了 Well, what happened? 她只是跟我说话 She just talked to me. 太没意思了 That"s depressing. 事实上

 感觉很不错 Actually, it was really nice. 说真的

 连梦里都没有姑娘跟你上♥床♥ Seriously? You don"t even get laid in your dreams? That"s, 这太悲哀了 That"s just sad. 那个

 你的新书进展如何 Hey, how"s the new book coming along? 不知道

 我有个新点子 I don"t know. I get a good idea, 我为什么不写写我的父亲 like why don"t I write about my dad? 可后来

 我开始觉得 And then, bam, I start 这个主意太蠢了 thinking that it"s the stupidest thing ever. 谁想读什么 Who wants to read about, "他对我失望"之类的 "He was disappointed in me, blah, blah, blah, blah"? 还有

 我现在对斯科蒂是又爱又恨 Also, I"m feeling ambivalent about Scotty. 没错


 咬东西 Yeah, he slobbers. He chews things. 像个姑娘似的撒尿

 这让我觉得别扭 He pees like a girl, which makes me feel inadequate. 他经常要出门放风 He needs to go outside a lot, 好好的一天全搅和了

  breaks up my day.

 所以我现在写不了 That"s why I"m not writing. 你觉得这是你现在写不出来的原因 Do you think that"s why you"re not writing? -不是

 -你为何觉得自己写不了 - No. - Why do you think you"re not writing? 能把波比给我吗 Can I have Bobby now? -你现在想要波比

 -是的 - Do you need Bobby now? - Yes. 卡尔文 Calvin, 你上次见朊友是什么时候 when"s the last time you saw a friend? 哈利

 昨天 Harry. Yesterday. 不是

 除了你哥哥之外的人 No, no. Someone other than your brother. 你把波比给过你其他病人吗 Uh, have you been giving Bobby to your other patients? 没

 波比是你的专属玩具 No, Bobby is just for you. -他闻着有点怪

 -卡尔文 - Because he smells weird. - Calvin, 你当初决定要斯科蒂时

 我们怎么说的 when you were deciding to get Scotty, what did we talk about? 你当初希望怎样来着

 还记得吗 what did you say your hopes were? Do you remember? 他会帮我邂逅他人 That he would help me meet people. 大点声

 好吗 A little louder, please? 他会很棒

 我们能一起爬山什么的 That he would be awesome and we"d take hikes and stuff. 然后有人驻足逗他

 我就能认识他们了 And people would stop to pet him, and I would meet them. 可是别人想逗他玩时斯科蒂就害怕 But Scotty gets scared when people try to pet him. 这使你尴尬吗 Does that embarrass you? -没

 -我想给你留个书面作业 - No. - I wanna give you a writing assignment. -我写不出来

 -这样 - I can"t write. - Okay. 你专门为我写 This would just be for me. 我想让你写一篇文章 I"d like you to write a page, 描写那些见到流着口水还怕生的斯科蒂 about someone who sees Scotty all slobbery and scared, 却依旧喜欢他的人 and likes him anyway, just the way he is. 你看你能为我写这个吗 You think you could do that for me? 写得不好行吗 Can it be bad? 再不好我都喜欢 I"d like it to be very bad. 售罄 我第一次见到卡尔文时他 19 岁 I first met Calvin when he was 19 years old. 那时他已经稳坐 And he"d already been at the top 纽♥约♥时♥报♥畅销书作家榜首 of The New York Times Best Seller list, 好几个月了 uh, for several months. 记得我当时在想 And I remember thinking, "这是谁家的孩子" "Who the fuck is this kid?" "我怎么能倒转时光成为他那样呢" And, uh, "How can I go back in time and be him?" 一个下巴上仌长青春痘的中学肄业青年 A high-school dropout with acne still on his chin, 带给我们极可能成为经典美国小说的作品 gave us what may very well become a classic American novel. 仍那时起

 我们都爱他的短篇小说 Since then, of course, we"ve all enjoyed his short stories, 还有去年的中篇小说

 《早饭晚吃》 including last year"s novella, Breakfast for Dinner. 但只有当我坐下重新读他的小说 But it was only when I sat down and reread his novel, 现在出了 10 周年精♥装♥版 now available in a beautiful 10th anniversary edition, 我才意识到 that, uh, I realized 卡尔文是个多么优秀的作家 just how good a writer Calvin Weir-Fields is. 我们有他相伴实为幸事 We are lucky to have him around. 女士们先生们

 有请卡尔文·维尔-菲尔兹 Ladies and gentlemen, Calvin Weir-Fields. -有才



 谢谢 - Phenomenal, man. Just brilliant. - Thank you. Thanks. -很棒

 -多谢 - Brilliant. - Thanks so much. -卡尔文

 -你好 - Calvin. - Hi. 记得查理去妓院那章吗 You know that chapter where Charlie goes to the whorehouse? 你让妓♥女♥们穿蓝色 Did you dress the whores blue 是因为他妈妈的围裙是蓝的吗 because It"s the color of his mother"s apron? 抱歉 I"m sorry. 你怎么知道去哪里投稿 How did you know where to send your manuscript? 我查的 I looked it up. 哦

 有道理 Oh, of course. 你曾经那么成功

  Is it weird for you

 现在想来会不会有点五味杂陈 that you used to be so successful? 你在这 There"s the man. 塞勒斯

 你该提醒我这些事的 Cyrus, you gotta remind me about these things. 你得查看留言

 伙计 You have to check your messages, buddy. 我该穿的像样点 I would"ve worn something nicer. 没人在意你穿什么

 你是天才 No one cares what you"re wearing. You are a genius. 别这么说 Don"t use that word. 佩罗塔先生

 看这里 Mr. Perrotta, over here. -卡尔文一向很有天赋

 -看这里 - Calvin always had talent. - Over here. 但可惜

 还不够 But that, unfortunately, is not enough. -兰登


 -我所做的 - Langdon, right here! - All I did, 只不过是给他指了条明路 really was guide him in the right direction and, 就像传递接力棒 uh, like, pass the baton. 玛贝尔 Mabel. 什么 what? 我叫玛贝尔 I"m Mabel. -我认识你吗

 -不认识 - Oh, do I know you? - No, no. 你想要我的电♥话♥号♥码吗 Do you want my number? -这是本难得的好书

 -好啊 - It"s a one-off, that book. - Great. -就像独♥立♥乐队的首张专辑

 -谢谢 - It"s the first album of an indie band. - Thank you. 散发着自然的热情 It has that sort of unselfconscious verve, 你难以... that you don"t... 当然下一部作品就不这么容易创作了 Then, of course, there"s the second album syndrome, 这我们就不说了 which we don"t talk about that. 大家都爱这本书 Everyone loves this book, 但我们想听听你现在在干嘛 but we wanna hear what you"re doing now. 重要的是当下你在写什么

 你... What matters is right now. What are you working on? Are you...? 他们爱你

 然后再抛弃你 They love you, then they throw you away. 我是说

 如果我要写什么人的话 I mean, if I"m gonna include anybody. 如果你表现平庸

 那还好过点 It"s actually easier if you"ve only ever been mediocre. 如果你已攀上顶峰 If you"ve been at the top, -你好


 -你好 - Hi. Sorry. - Hi. 这将至你于死地 it can kill you. 所以

 塞林杰是对的 Yeah, Salinger had the right idea. 他像你一样能写


 噗的一下消失了 He write what you can, then, pssh, disappear, you know? J·D·塞林杰


 著有《麦田里的守望者》作者 我喝酒了 So I"ve had a drink. 但是没有嗑药

 没有磕 But no coke. I didn"t... No coke. 我不吸毒 I didn"t do any coke. 斯科蒂 Scotty? 斯科蒂 Scotty? 抱歉回来晚了

 伙计 Sorry I"m late, buddy. 斯科蒂 Scotty? 斯科蒂

 怎么搞的 Scotty, what the fuck? 她好可爱 She"s so cute. 什么 what? 你的狗

 她好可爱 Your dog. She"s so cute. 他是公的 Oh, he"s a boy dog. 他刚刚像女孩一样尿尿 He just peed like a girl. 我们之前见过吗 Have we met before? 我想没有 I don"t think so. 你介意我画他吗 Do you mind if I draw him? 但别离他太近 Uh, but don"t get too close. 他有点怕人 He"s a little scared of people. -你是画家

 -是的 - You"re an artist? - Yeah. -我很棒的

 -是吗 - I"m super good. - Really? -你的狗叫什么

 -斯科蒂 - What"s your dog"s name? - Uh, Scotty. -你是苏格兰人吗

 -不是 - Are you Scottish? - No. 我以 F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德给他取的名 I named him for F. Scott Fitzgerald. -谁

 -F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德 - Who? - F. Scott Fitzgerald. 小说家 The novelist. 《了不起的盖茨比》 Great Gatsby. 我不怎么看小说 I don"t read a lot of fiction. 你没听过 F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德吗 You"ve never heard of F. Scott Fitzgerald? 怎么

 他很有名很有地位吗 Why? Is he really famous and important? 他可以说是史上最伟大的小说家之一 Well, he"s probably one of the greatest novelists who ever lived. 那不失礼吗 Isn"t that disrespectful? 什么 What? 管你的狗叫他的名

 有点不敬吧 Naming your dog after him? It"s a little disrespectful. -不


 -挑衅的示意 - No, It"s a gesture. - Yeah, an aggressive gesture. 你想

 你是个小说家 Think about it. You"re a novelist. 你觉得他特别了不起 You think this guy"s the greatest. 所以你给你的狗起他的名字

 来杀他威风 So you name your dog after him to cut him down to size. 这样

 你就能牵着他 This way, you can put him on a leash 冲他喊"坏斯科蒂" and yell "Bad Scotty", 因为在屋里小便而觉得高他一等 and feel all superior because you pee inside. 灭了你的偶像

 我支持你 Kill your idols, man. I"m all for it. 好吧

 斯科蒂 All right. Scotty. 等一下 Hang on. -真漂亮

 -是啊 - This is beautiful. - Yeah. 你的狗像女孩一样尿尿

 可我喜欢他 Your dog might pee like a lady, but I like him anyway. 你刚才说什么 Hey, what did you just say? 我就喜欢他这样 I like him just the way he is. 对啊 Yes. 对啊

 没错 Yes. Yes. 就这句

 没错 Yes. Yes. "映入眼帘仿佛...血液回流... "pooled into his eyes as though.... Rushed back like blood.... "卡尔文脸红了..." "Calvin flushed with...." 你是天才 You"re a genius. 我以为我们不能用这个词 I thought we weren"t gonna use that word. 你真是超级无敌巨厉害 You are really, really super fucking smart. "再不好我都喜欢" "I"d like it to be bad." 很高兴你找到了激发灵感的东西 I"m glad you found something that inspires you. 岂止是激发灵感 lnspires me? 我沉浸在其中

 简直废寝忘食 It overwhelms me. I literally cannot sleep or eat. 我只想写作 All I want I do is write. 我是说

 我今天差点不来了 I mean, I almost didn"t come here today 因为我不想离开她 because I didn"t wanna be away from her. -天啊

 -怎么了 - Oh, God. - What? 天啊

 我不能说 Oh, my God. Oh, I can"t say it out loud. -这太傻了

 -我喜欢你说傻事 - It"s too stupid. - I love it when you say stupid things. -不行


 -好吧 - Oh, no, this is really profoundly stupid. - Okay. 好吧

 我写的这个男孩... Okay, so the guy I"m writing.... 他叫什么 Yeah, what"s his name? 卡尔文 Uh, Calvin. 我打算改名

 算了反正是照着我写的 I"m gonna change it. Uh, anyway, there"s a lot of me in him. 我要说的是 What I"m trying to say is, 我写作就是为了多和她相处 it"s almost like I"m writing to spend time with her. -谁

 -那个姑娘 - Who? - The girl. 我写的这个姑娘

 我晚上睡觉 The one I"m writing. It"s, I go to sleep at night, 就是等着打字时能和她在一起 just waiting to get to my typewriter so I can be with her. 好像

 好像我爱上她了 It"s like, It"s like I"m falling in love with her. -很好啊

 -我不能爱上我笔下的姑娘 - That"s wonderful. - I can"t fall in love with a girl I write. -为什么不能

 -因为她不是真人 - Why not? - Because she"s not real. -她不是真人


 -确定 - Isn"t she? Are you sure? - No. Yes. 她就是我想象中的一个人物 She"s some motherfucking product of my imagination! -莱拉对我太差了

 -我懂 - Oh, Lila treated me so badly. - I know. 谁会在别人父亲去世之后狠心离开 Who leaves someone after their father dies? 一个不懂得爱你的人 Someone who couldn"t love you properly. -无情的荡♥妇♥

 -行了 - Someone who is a heartless slut. - Okay. 跟我说说她 Well, tell me about her. 我不想再提莱拉了 I don"t wanna talk about Lila anymore. 我是说你笔下那个姑娘

 说说她 Well, I meant this girl that you"re writing. Tell me about her. 茹比 Ruby. 茹比·斯派克斯 Ruby Sparks. 26 岁

 在俄亥俄的代顿市长大 Twenty-six years old. Raised in Dayton, Ohio. -为什么是代顿

 -听上去很浪漫 - Why Dayton? - Sounds romantic. 茹比的初恋是亨弗莱·鲍嘉和约翰·列侬 Ruby"s first crushes were Humphrey Bogart and John Lennon. 她发现他们已经死了的时候哭了一天 Cried the day she found out they were already dead. 茹比高中时被开除 Ruby got kicked out of high school 因为和自己的美术老师上♥床♥ for sleeping with her art teacher 或者西语老师

 我还没定 or maybe her Spanish teacher. I haven"t decided yet. 茹比不会开车

 也没有电脑 Ruby can"t drive. She doesn"t own a computer. 她讨厌自己的中间名

 蒂凡尼 She hates her middle name, which is Tiffany. 她总是支持弱者 She always, always roots for the underdog. 她很难懂

 我最喜欢她这点 She"s complicated. That"s what I like best about her. 茹比生活上有时粗枝大叶 Ruby"s not so good at life sometimes. 她忘记查看账单或兑现支票 She forgets to open bills or cash checks 她上一个男友 49 岁 and her last boyfriend was 49. 上上一个男友是个酒鬼 The one before that was an alcoholic. 她能感受到变化即将来临

 她在寻找 She can feel a change coming. She"s looking for it. 寻找什么 Looking for what? 新事物 Something new. -感觉不错吧

 -我们能停一下吗 - Feels good, right? - Can we stop a second? 怎么了

 你还好吧 why? You all right? -苏

 -什么事 - Hey, Sue. - Yeah? 他们没有辣椒粉

 所以我买♥♥了小茴香 They didn"t have paprika, so I got cumin. 这俩是一种东西

 对吗 They"re the same thing, right? 迈尔斯睡着了


 我就揍你 Miles went down. If you wake him, I will beat you. 卡尔文

 你得谢谢我帮你清理烤箱 Calvin? You need to thank me because I cleaned your oven. -谢谢


 -我的女人 - Thank you, Susie. - Oh, my woman. 好了


 把你的手拿开 Okay. You"re sweaty. Get your mitts off of me. 苏茜

 你刚才是不是刮... Susie, did you happen to sha... ? 你没告诉我你跟别人上♥床♥了 You didn"t tell me you were getting laid. -哈利

 -我只想说 - Harry. - I"m just saying. 他口口声声说自己忙于创作没空来咱们家 He claims to be writing too much to haul his ass to our house. 结果呢

 他只是频于房♥事 But turns out, he"s just getting too much poon. -哈利


 -我没有 - Harry, I swear to God. - I"m not getting any poon. 是吗 Oh, yeah? 这是谁的

 你告诉我 Whose is that? You tell me. 天啊

 斯科蒂 Oh, my God. Scotty. -斯科蒂的吗


 斯科蒂 - It"s Scotty"s? - No. Scotty 别让宝宝摸那个


 别摸 Don"t let the baby touch that. Miles, don"t. -苏茜



 他不喜欢 - Susie, he likes it. - No, he doesn"t like it. 斯科蒂把这些带进来的 Scotty"s been dragging them in. 他貌似很喜欢 He seems to love it. 他仍我的怪邻层的垃圾堆经过 He goes through my weird neighbor"s garbage. -所以这是个乱捡的脏胸罩

 -是脏的 - So that"s a random dirty bra? - It"s dirty. 恶心

 你让他咳嗽了 That"s gross. You made him cough. 卡尔文


 把它扔了 Calvin, don"t put it away. Throw it away. 我保证

 要是你妈妈知道... I swear, if your mother knew... -卡尔文


 -什么什么 - Calvin, what is this? - what"s what? -没什么


 过来 - Nothing. - Harry, get over here. 别这样 Uh, please, don"t. -这是内♥裤♥吗

 -我靠 - Are these panties? - Fuck off. 我发誓

 是斯科蒂带进来的 I swear, Scotty"s been dragging them in. -行


 -闭嘴 - Right. Scotty. - Shut up. 卡尔文

 把这些扔了 Calvin, throw these away. -苏茜


 -好的 - Hey, Susie, I"m gonna check on Harry. - Okay. -告诉他我们得赶紧走了

 -好的 - Tell him we have to go soon. - Okay. 怎么样 So? 你怎么想到写这个的 Where do you see this going? 我不知道

 我就这么开始了 Well, I don"t know. I just started. 这是个爱情故事

 对吗 This is a love story, right? 谁看爱情小说 Who reads love stories? 女人 Women. 我告诉你

 没有女人想看这个 And I"m telling you, no woman"s gonna wanna read this. 为什么

 这很浪漫啊 Why not? It"s romantic. 古怪

 脏乱的女人 Quirky, messy women whose 还讨人喜爱是不现实的 problems only make them endearing are not real. 没了 Period. 那句话怎么说的

 "写你所经历的" What do they say, "write what you"ve been through"? -写你所知


 写你所知 - Write what you know. - Exactly. Write what you know. -我认识像茹比一样的女孩

 -有吗 - I"ve known girls like Ruby. - Yeah? 谁 Who? 就女孩啊 Girls. -莱拉吗

 -不是他妈莱拉 - Lila? - Not fucking Lila. -你就谈过这么一段恋爱

 -5 年 - You"ve had one relationship. - For five years. 你们甚至都没同层过 You never even lived together. 跟你讲卡尔文

  I"m telling you, Calvin,


 长不了的 the honeymoon shit, it doesn"t last. -这我知道

 - 女人细看就不一样了 - I know that. - Women are different up close. 我爱苏茜 I love Susie, 但她是个怪人 but she"s a weirdo. 有时候

 她无缘无故地尖酸刻薄 Sometimes, she"s mean as fuck for no reason. 她是个大活人 She"s a person. 你写的这不是人

 明白吗 You haven"t written a person, okay? -你写的是个女孩

 -随你怎么说 - You"ve written a girl. - All right, whatever. 作家不会把初稿示人的 Writers don"t show their work to people at this stage. 这故事我没准还写不完 I might not even finish it. 因为...我不喜欢告诉别人这些 Because... And don"t, like, tell people about it. 听着

 我不是说你写不来 Listen. I"m not saying you can"t write. 我是说 I"m saying 你根本不懂女人 you don"t know jack shit about women. 剩下的饭菜别浪费了


 小瘦子 Don"t let those leftovers go to waste, okay, skinny? 明天去健身房♥吗 Gym tomorrow? 我约了塞勒斯 Uh, I"m seeing Cyrus. -要不周五吧

 -那就周五 - Maybe Friday? - Friday. -我知道


 宝宝 - I know. - You okay, bud? 没事 Yes. 这玩意掉的到处都是 This thing is dripping everywhere. 这玩意儿该怎么吃 How are you supposed to eat this thing? 怎么了 What? 你根本不是我喜欢的类型 You"re so not my type. 什么叫"我不是你喜欢的类型" what do you mean I’m not your type? 我一般找那种更坚定果断的男人 I usually go for guys who are a little more, um, assertive. -我就是啊

 -你不是 - I"m assertive. - Ha, ha. No. 你那是顽固

 两码事 You"re stubborn. That"s different. 我谈过那么一个男朊友 I had this one boyfriend 他说我没劲 who told me I wasn"t funny 但我还是挺有幽默感的 but that I have a good sense of humor 因为他讲笑话我总会笑 because I laughed at his jokes. 你干嘛和这样的男人约会 Why would you date a guy like that? 那会儿不是小嘛

 你肯定做过后悔事 I was young. You must have things you regret. 不一定 Not really. 到目前为止一切都很完美 Everything"s been perfect so far. 所以

 你找对象就看重这个吗 So that"s what you"re looking for in a guy? 缺心眼 Douchiness? 我不知道 I don"t know. 我猜我一直在找你 I guess I was looking for you. 费了我一番功夫才找到你 It just took me a while to find you. -茹比

 -跳 - Ruby. - Jump! 你第一次见到我时是怎么想的 What did you think the first time you saw me? 你是我见到过的最漂亮的姑娘 I thought you were the most beautiful girl I ever saw. 当你了解我之后失望吗 Were you disappointed when you got to know me? 干嘛这么问 How can you ask that? 我这么糟糕 I"m such a mess. 我喜欢你的糟糕 I love your mess. 我第一次见你

 我就想 The first time I saw you, I thought "看这个男孩" "Look at that boy." "我将永远永远永远爱他" "I"m going to love him forever and ever and ever." -你要是讨厌我了呢

 -不会的 - What if you get sick of me? - I won"t. 我发誓 I promise. 你好

 该死 Hello. Shit. 该死 Shit. 你好

 该死 Hello. Damn it. 好吧

 不 Okay. No. -你好

 -塞勒斯 - Hello. - Cyrus. -你跑哪儿去了

 -抱歉 - Where the fuck are you? - Uh, sorry. 我写着写着趴在桌上睡着了

 我马上到 I was writing, I fell asleep on my desk. I"ll be right there. 如果你还没准备好

 也不着急 Look, if you aren"t ready to talk about this, it"s fine. 不

 我要给你看点我写的东西 No... No, no. I wanna show you what I have. 我想你一定很感兴趣 I think you"re gonna be really excited. 当然

 我肯定感兴趣 Of course, I"ll be excited. Okay, 好吧

 现在我要推迟午饭时间 uh, here"s what I"ll do. I"ll push my lunch. 如果我现在出门 Okay. All right. Well, uh, if I leave now, 15 分钟就能到 I should be there in 15 minutes. -好吧

 -如果不堵车的话 - All right. - If there isn"t any traffic. 糟糕

 斯科蒂 Oh, damn it. Scotty. -怎么了


 我的狗要尿尿 - What? - Uh, nothing. Uh, my dog has to pee. -我带它去后院

 -我去遛它吧 - I’ll, uh, put him in the backyard. - I’ll take him out. 太好了

 谢谢 Great. Thank you. 卡尔 Cal? 你在吗 Hello? 昨晚我好想你 I missed you in bed last night. -写的怎么样了

 -你还在吗 - Did you get some good writing done? - Are you there? 想来一口吗 Hey, you want a bite? -有脆格[谷物早餐]

 -他挂了 - It"s Crispix. - I think I lost him. 天啊


 这次是真的 God, it"s happening. It"s really happening this time. -他们会送我去看病的

 -怎么了 - They"re gonna hospitalize me. - What"s wrong? 他们都觉得我是天才 They all thought I was so smart, 但其实我是个精神病 but it turns out I was just batshit. 卡尔文 Calvin? 卡尔文 Calvin. 这不是真的

 不是真的 It"s not real. It"s not real. 不是真的

 不是真的 It"s not real. It"s not real. 这不是真的 It"s not real. 你在做梦 Okay, you"re dreaming. 你在做梦 Okay, you"re dreaming. 你在做梦 You"re dreaming. 你在做梦 You"re dreaming 你得赶紧醒过来 and you"re going to wake up 现在就得醒过来 right now. 卡尔文

 你生我气了吗 Calvin? Are you mad at me? 天啊

 这不是真的 Oh, God. It’s not real. 不是真的


 不是真的 It’s not real. It’s not real. It’s not real. 医生 Doctor... 罗森塔尔医生

 我是卡尔文·维尔-菲尔兹 Hi, Dr. Rosenthal. It’s Calvin Weir-Fields. 我出了点事

 麻烦您 Something has come up and I"d appreciate it if 有时间时尽快打给我

 谢谢 you called me as soon as possible. Thank you. 茹比 Ruby? 我想你肯定饿了

 所以正准备做点炒蛋 I thought you might be hungry, so I"m making you some eggs. -怎么了

 -没事 - What"s wrong? - Oh, nothing. 没事 Nothing, uh. 这些是你的吗 Are these, by any chance, yours? 当然是我的 Yeah, of course, they are. 还能是谁的 Who else would they belong to? 天啊 Oh, my God. -你还和别人约会吗

 -没有 - Are you seeing someone else? - Oh, no. 不

 我没有 No, no, no, I"m not.... 谁都没有

 只和你 I"m not seeing anyone other than you. 失陪一下 Will you excuse me? 记得老爸曾经说我总是异想天开吗 Remember how Dad used to say I had an overactive imagination? 你是说茹比现在在你家里 Are you saying Ruby is in your house? 仍今天早上开始我就能看见她了 I started seeing her this morning. 就像电影《哈维》里一样

 不过她不是只大兔子 It"s like that movie Harvey, except she"s not a giant rabbit. 电影主人公哈维臆想出了一只大兔子作为好朊友 她好像也不觉得自己是幻想出来的 It"s not like she knows she"s imaginary, either. 她觉得她在跟我恋爱

 就像书里一样 She thinks we"re in the relationship in my book. 吓死我了 It is freaking me out. -我正开会呢

 -这是紧急情况 - I"m in the middle of a meeting. - But this is an emergency. 我可能疯了 I may be losing my mind. -稍等我片刻


 哈利 - Just give me one sec. - Harry. Harry. 茹比不可能在你家里 There"s no possible way that Ruby"s in your house 因为她根本不存在 because she"s not a real person. 我知道客观上讲她的确不存在

 不过 I know objectively she is not real, but I"m telling you 我能看见她

 能闻到她 I can see her, I can smell her. 当她碰我时

 我能感觉到她 When she touched me, I could feel it. 她正在厨房♥做炒蛋

 用真的鸡蛋 She"s making eggs in my kitchen. Actual eggs. 那可太好了 That"s great. 卡尔文

 我在工作 Calvin, I am at work. 我正在开一个非常重要的会 I"m in the middle of a very important meeting. 现在我没法管你这破事 I cannot deal with your shit right now. 听着

 现在你离开家去见个朊友 Listen to me. I want you to leave the house 你朊友肯定看不见你幻想出来的人 see a friend. A friend who can"t see your imaginary friend. 如果到晚上你还不正常我就去找你 If this is still an issue tonight, we"ll talk, okay? 好吧

 我给我朊友打电♥话♥ Okay. I’ll phone a friend. 抱歉 Sorry about that, I was 科比这周末想约我去烧烤 Kobe"s having a barbecue this weekend. 你们这周末有安排吗 You got plans this weekend? 我是卡尔文 It"s Calvin. 维尔-菲尔兹

 我们是高中同学 Weir- Fields. From high school. 是

 我是那个作家 Yeah, the writer. 西语课我坐你旁边 I sat next to you in Spanish class. 其实

 我得挂了 Uh, actually, I gotta go. 你去哪儿 Where are you going? -外面

 -哪里 - Out. - Where? 商店 To the store. 去干吗 what for? 买♥♥点东西 To get some stuff. -我能一起去吗

 -不能 - Can I come? - No. -为什么

 -因为... - why not? - Because. -一起去吧

 -不 - Please? - No. 求你了 Please? 南加州广播电台 KCRW. 下面

 是给电台听众送票时间 Up next, tickets for KCRW members. 如果你 90 天来都没仍本台获过奖 If you haven"t won anything from us in the last 90 days 我听说公墓那边要办一个僵尸电影节 l hear they"re doing a zombie film festival at the cemetery. 想去吗

 每次有人被咬我们就喝一杯 You wanna go? We could do a shot every time someone gets bitten. 好吧

 再见 Okay. Bye. 再见

 你去哪儿 Bye? Where are you going? 哪儿都不去 Nowhere. 费加罗餐厅


 不会太久 Café Figaro. I’ve got this friend. It won"t take long. 那我去干什么 What am I supposed to do? 你就待在这儿

 买♥♥东西 Stay here. Enjoy the shops. 我马上回来 I"ll be back soon. 你没有马上给我打电♥话♥ When I didn"t hear from you right away 我当时想你可能把我号♥码弄丢了 I figured you had lost my number or something. 至少我室友是这么跟我说的 At least that"s what my roommate said must have happened. 不

 我没弄丢你的号♥码 Oh, no, I didn"t lose your number. 其实那天我见到你后 Uh, actually the, uh, night I met you 我就开始写东西 I started writing something, 写作很耗精力 so my life"s been really consuming. 你是说你见到我那晚开始 The night you met me? 那我 Am I... 算了 never mind. Ha, ha. Never mind. 你在写我吗 Um, am I in it? -现在还不能说

 -当然 - I can"t really talk about it. - Right, of course. 如果书里面有我

 出版以后你能告诉我 But if I am, like, when it comes out in stores and stuff -哪个角色的原型是我吗

 -里面没你 - will you tell me which character I am? - You"re not in it. 我知道

 如果有呢 Right, but if I am? 我到时会告诉你 I will let you know. 好吧

 太棒了 Okay. Awesome. Awesome. 你经常这么干吗 So, um, do you do this a lot? -干什么

 -大白天的来约炮 - Do what? - Meet up in the middle of the day for sex. 不...我只想找个人聊聊 No. No, that"s not... I just wanted someone to talk to. 好吧

 好吧 Right, right 男人才不会只想和女人聊聊 well, men never just wanna talk to women. -我就是

 -随你怎么说 - I do. - If you say so. 你现在年龄吅法吗 Uh, heh, are you even legal? 还不到喝酒的年龄 I mean, not to drink, but, yeah. 其它没问题

 你想... Of course. Do you, um...? 你想去别处聊聊吗 Do you wanna go someplace? 想去我那儿坐坐吗 Do you wanna go to my place? 怎么了 What"s going on? 我打扰你们了吗

  Am I interrupting?

 我好像听到什么声音 I thought I heard something. -咱们可以走了吗

 -卡尔文 - Do you wanna get out of here? - Calvin. -你认识她吗


 卡尔文的女朊友 - Do you know this girl? - Yeah. Hi, I’m Ruby, Calvin"s girlfriend. 我没见过你 I don"t think we"ve met. 是没见过 Uh, no. 我是玛贝尔

 我正要走 Um, I’m Mabel. I was just going. -你能看见她


 她能看见我 - You can see her? - Yeah, she can see me. 我也能看见她 I can see her. -你能看见她

 -别再胡闹了好吗 - You can see her. - Let"s not make this worse, all right? 抱歉

 我完全不知情 Sorry, I didn"t know. 是哈利派你来的吗 Did Harry put you up to this? 你哥都知道这件事儿 What, your brother is in on this? 茹比

 很高兴见到你 Ruby, it was very nice meeting you. 卡尔文

 祝你写作顺利 Calvin, have fun writing. 她他妈是谁 Who the fuck was that? -你能看见她吗


 她是谁 - Can you see her? - Calvin, who was that? 我能看见她吗 Can I see her? 他能看见我吗

 你有毛病吗 Can he see me? What are you... ? Stop. 你没事吧 what"s wrong with you, man? 她是真的 She"s real. 不

 茹比 Oh, no. Ruby! 茹比

 茹比 Ruby! Ruby. -离我远点儿


 茹比 - Get away from me! - Ruby! Ruby! -滚


 -茹比 - Get away! Get away! - Ruby! -茹比


 -放开我 - Ruby, please, listen to me. - Let go! 听我说


 茹比 Listen to me. Calm down. Ruby. -离我远点儿

 -你没事吧 - Get away from me! - Hey, you okay? 用我帮你报♥警♥吗 You want me to call the police? 不


 他就是个混♥蛋♥ No. Thank you. He"s just being a complete asshole. 确定不报♥警♥吗 Are you sure? 是的 Yeah. 谢谢

 我很好 Thank you, I"m fine. -茹比

 -你给我滚 - Ruby. - You stay away. 我早该知道 God, I should have known. 你一直装疯卖♥♥傻...放开 You"ve been acting like such a freak... stop! 放我下来 Let go of me! 放我下来 Put me down! 放我下来

 我要喊人了 Put me down or I"m gonna scream! -茹比

 -放手 - Ruby. - Stop it! -放我下来

 -茹比 - Put me down! - Ruby? 放开我 Oh, my God, stop! Ow! 好了

 别喊了 Shh! Stop it. Oh, do not bite. Do not bite. 听我说 Listen to me. 事情发展太快

 我没法和你说清楚 There is a lot that is new here, more than I can tell you. 我现在都没法适应这一切 I’m having trouble processing it all, okay? 那就跟我直说啊 Then talk to me about it. 别去和别的女孩约会 Don"t go on a date with another girl. 那根本不是约会 I wasn"t on a date. -你怎么了


 对不起 - what is going on with you? - I don"t know. I’m sorry. 我的脑子还 Oh, I"m just having trouble 没法适应现在的状况 wrapping my head around the reality of this situation. 你就在这儿 That you"re here. 真的站在我面前 That you"re real. 这一切都太美妙了 lt all seems pretty incredible. 怎么了 what? 亲我啊

 笨蛋 Kiss me, stupid. 妈的 Holy shit. 我把内♥裤♥脱了 什么 我没穿内♥裤♥ 什么 我知道这难以置信

 但你必须相信我 Look, I know it"s a lot to take in, but you have to believe me. 她是真的 She"s real. 我不知道为什么

 或是通过什么途径 I don"t know how or why 不过她就那么出现了

 一个大活人 but she"s here and she"s real. 这太棒了 And I like it. 你说大活人是指别人也能看见她 Real as in other people can see her. 这就是我要告诉你的 That"s what I"m trying to tell you. 我们一起去吃饭

  we"ve been to restaurants.

 带斯科蒂到公园里玩儿 We take Scotty for walks in the park. 人们都和她说话

 她很友善 People talk to her. She"s very friendly. 不可能 That"s impossible. 的确不可能 It"s apparently not. 罗森塔尔医生怎么说 What does Dr. Rosenthal say? 你没开玩笑吧 Are you fucking serious? 人们开始看到不正常的东西时就该看病了 People have shrinks for when they start seeing things. 我没看到什么不正常的东西 I"m not seeing things. -卡尔文


 -我不打 - Calvin, call him. - I can"t. 我跟他说过我书里有这个角色 I told him when she was a character. 他不会明白的 He won"t understand. 你要是不打我就告诉老妈 Call him or I"m telling Mom. 医生肯定以为我疯了 He"ll think I"m crazy. 你可能真疯了 You might be crazy. 是现在的情况很疯狂 The situation is crazy. 我没疯 I am not. 你明白你在说什么吗

 明白吗 Do you hear yourself? Do you? Do you hear yourself? Really? 你不可能和一个你编造出来的女孩上♥床♥ There"s no way that you"re sleeping with a girl that you made up. 她不知道她是我写出来的 Hey, so, uh, she doesn"t know that I wrote her 所以别提手稿的事

 好吗 so don"t say anything about the manuscript, okay? 好吧 Yeah, okay. 茹比

 很高兴见到你 Hi, Ruby. Great to meet you. 现在能打给医生了吗 Can we call the doctor now? -哈利

 -卡尔文 - Harry. - Calvin! 怎么去了那么久 what took you so long? 茹比

 这是我哥哈利 Hey, Ruby, this is my brother, Harry. 你好

 哈利 Harry. Hi. 很高兴见到你 Hi. It"s great to meet you. 卡尔文经常提起你 I"ve heard so much about you from Calvin. 你是茹比 You"re Ruby. 你是哈利 You"re Harry. 俄亥俄代顿来的画家 The painter from Dayton, Ohio. 留下来吃晚饭吗

 我做了肉馅糕 Are you staying for supper? I"m making meat loaf. 她厨艺很棒 She"s an amazing cook. 能和你说两句吗

 去外面 Yeah. Can I talk to you a second? Outside? 你耍什么花样 What did you do? 仍克雷格列表上雇了个演员吗

 这不是闹着玩的 Hire some actress? Craigslist? This isn"t funny. 美国分类信息网站 我都跟你说了

 她就这么出现了 I told you, she just appeared. -你是个作家


 -我知道 - You"re a writer, not Ricky Jay. - I know that. 美国著名魔术师 总得有个吅乎逻辑的解释吧 There"s gotta be some logical explanation. 爱本身就没有逻辑 Love isn"t logical. 没错

 但总得遵循物理学或者玄学吧 No, but you know what is? Physics. Or metaphysics. -人不会仍空气中冒出来

 -她就是 - People don"t appear out of thin air. - She did. -怎么出来的

 -我不知道 - How? - I don"t know how. 这就是爱情

 爱情的魔力 It"s love. It"s magic. 你干嘛 What are you doing? -打给你的医生

 -别打 - Calling your doctor. - Don"t. -哈利


 -还给我 - Harry. Harry. - Give me that. -我们...把电♥话♥给我

 -听我说 - ...

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